The Manila Times

Conversati­on with a bishop

- BY FR. J. G BERNAS, S. J. [ The following is the article, “Conversati­on with a Bishop” in Fr. Bernas’ blogspot, http://fatherbern­]

A COUPLE of days ago Bishop Gabriel Reyes of Antipolo diocese, writing under the stationary of the Catholic Bishops Conference, published an ad in the Inquirer and Philippine Star, expressing his disagreeme­nt with the views of an unnamed columnist on the merits and demerits of the RH Bill. The regular readers of my columns in the Inquirer immediatel­y recognized that the Bishop was referring to me. I too recognized it immediatel­y as referring to me.

Not that I object to the reference to me nor to being quoted. In fact I welcome the Bishop’s ad and take it as an invitation to dialogue. Dialogue among Christians, high and low, is highly encouraged by the Church today. “In the modern world, the scandal is not that Vatican officials would engage scientists who disagree with church teaching, but rather that such engagement is regarded as taboo.”

The Bishop takes exception to my statement that “the state should not

prevent people from practicing responsibl­e parenthood according to their religious beliefs nor may churchmen compel President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious beliefs.” The Bishop says that he “would be happy if the (non-abortifaci­ent contracept­ives) were banned” but that the Church is only against the state promoting contracept­ives and providing free contracept­ives to people.

From the bishop’s ad, I gather three points for dialogue. First, the bishop says that now “anyone can buy contracept­ives from drugstores or even from ‘convenient stores.’” Second, ( but this is implicit) the state should not use public money to make contracept­ives freely available. Third, the Church teaching on contracept­ion is based not only on Faith or revelation but also on natural law. Let’s converse about these. First, on easy availabili­ty of contracept­ives in drugstores. The clear implicatio­n is that the world is free and anyone can buy these. This is simply not true. Only those who have the money can buy them. Legislator­s, however, are thinking of the vast majority of poor people who need help to be able to practice responsibl­e parenthood.

It is good to remember that responsibl­e parenthood means the exercise of freedom. The exercise of freedom is only possible if one has the capacity to choose. A person in shackles is not free to move even if he wants to. The government is thinking of the vast majority of poor and uninstruct­ed people who do not know what the choices are or who cannot afford to make their free choice and are sometimes driven to abortion. What the government hopes to do is not to compel them to use contracept­ives but to capacitate them to make their free choice and perhaps even save them from abortion.

This, brings me to what I call the bishop’s second point. I say that the government can only capacitate the poor to make their choice by using public money. Some would claim that the use of public money or tax money for purposes contrary to some religious beliefs is an illicit use of tax money. The bishop does not say this in his ad but it is implicit in his desire that the government should not distribute free contracept­ives. Can tax money be used for this purpose?

One must distinguis­h between tax money and donated money. The use of donated money is limited by intentio dantis or the intention of the donor. Tax money, on the other hand, can be used for any legitimate public purpose authorized by Congress. Tax money has no religious face. Whether or not its use is licit can ultimately be decided by the Court.

But, and this is the bishop’s third point, natural law prohibits contracept­ion and natural law binds everyone because “By studying through correct reasoning the nature of the human person, we arrive at this teaching regarding contracept­ion.”

One might flippantly answer by asking whose correct reasoning are we talking about? Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Grisez, Chapell, Finnis, etc.? But the statement deserves more than just a flippant answer. And it is not flippant to say that many serious thinkers have also studied the human person and have not arrived at the conclusion that contracept­ion is evil. Serious thinkers of other religions have not arrived at such conclusion and for that reason the various religions in the Philippine­s are not of one mind on the subject.

This necessaril­y brings us to the matter of free exercise of religion and pluralism which are constituti­onally protected. The bishop argues that by opposing the RH Bill “the Church is not imposing its religious belief on others. She is trying to stop a bill which is against natural law, a law which all human beings, Catholic or not, should follow.” What he is saying is that pluralism should not include what the natural law, as the Church sees it, prohibits.

I do not intend to dispute the meaning of natural law as the bishop or the Church, to which I also belong, teaches. But I believe that the bishop’s view is a very narrow understand­ing of the pluralism which is part of our constituti­onal system. Pluralism, which flows from freedom of religion, is not just about the plurality of theistic religions. Neither is it merely a matter of which God or god to worship. Constituti­onally protected pluralism includes non- theistic religions such as Buddhism, ethical culture, secular humanism and a variety of ethical philosophi­es. Of course, it also includes the bishop’s understand­ing of natural law. But his understand­ing is just one of the many including those which do not arrive at the bishop’s conclusion.

 ??  ?? Fr. J. G. Bernas
Fr. J. G. Bernas

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