The Manila Times

Republican­s force delay on Pentagon chief vote


WASHINGTON, D. C.: Republican­s demanding answers from President Barack Obama’s pick to head the Pentagon forced Senate leaders to delay a vote, throwing Chuck Hagel’s confirmati­on into doubt.

Senators James Inhofe and Lindsey Graham have expressed strong opposition to rushing the confirmati­on process, and after Hagel was narrowly approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday along strict party lines, the Republican­s insisted that they would try to block a vote in the full Senate.

“This is the first time in the history of our country that a presidenti­al nominee for secretary of defense has been filibuster­ed. What a shame,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on the floor of the chamber.

To overcome the blocking tactic, Reid scheduled a vote for Friday to end debate on the Hagel nomina- tion, but such a procedure requires a 60-vote threshold rather than the typical simple majority.

Democrats hold a 55-45 edge in the Senate. No Democrats are expected to vote against Hagel, a Vietnam War veteran and Republican former senator. However, just two Republican­s have publicly stated their support.

It remained an open question whether there were another three Republican­s willing to cross party lines and allow the nomination to get to the floor.

“I would hope we would have 60 votes,” Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told Agence FrancePres­se. “I have not heard that there are not, let me put it that way.”

If confirmed, Hagel would replace outgoing Pentagon Chief Leon Panetta at a time of rising tension in Middle East hotspots, in the budget battle at hom and after this week’s rogue nuclear test by North Korea.

Senate Democrats have warned that now is not the time to waffle over a crucial cabinet member who directs the US military and the White House has called for expeditiou­s action to fill the vital post.

Spokesman Jay Carney said that the White House has “100 percent confidence” that there was “majority [ support for Hagel] and then some . . . So we ask Congress—the Senate—to move quickly to confirm him as secretary of defense.”

Inhofe sought to downplay his effort to block a vote, insisting there was “nothing unusual” about it.

He and colleagues have taken issue with several comments and votes by Hagel in recent years about Iran, nuclear weapons, Israel and the US troop surge in Iraq.

They have demanded financial compensati­on data and transcript­s from speeches Hagel gave to foreign audiences, saying that some records are missing.

Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin said that the demands went beyond the level traditiona­lly asked of nominees.

But Graham said that he would “take every opportunit­y” to block a Hagel vote in order to get the questions answered.

“I don’t think I’m being unfair to the process by saying ‘ slow down,”’ Graham told reporters.

“I remember very well what the Congress did when it came to Bush ad-ministrati­on failures. We provided oversight,” he said, recalling bruising congressio­nal investigat­ions of the past.

“If the shoe were on the other foot, and this was a Republican president, I’d guaran- damn- tee there’d be a lot of Democrats doing what I’m doing,” he added.

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