The Manila Times



AS most everyone settled down to their everyday routines in June—with the young going back to school and their parents free from the compulsion to take their “vacationer­s” on trips—beautiful A-list celebrity and visual artist Heart Evangelist­a finally found the time in her ever busy schedule to take a much needed break.

Her destinatio­n: Europe, specifical­ly Paris, France and Venice, Italy. And what a trip it was as her 500,000-plus Instagram (IG) followers witnessed during her two-week sojourn.

Heart generously shares her holiday photos from her IG account (“i amheart evangelist­a,”) with Life & Times today and lets readers in on additional tidbits about her latest European journey and travel habits.

STM: What is your priority in choosing a holiday destinatio­n?

HE: Whenever planning for an overseas trip, I always take into considerat­ion a place that will liberate me—give me the feeling of freedom and expression. The place also needs to inspire me to do what I love doing, which is to paint, and Paris is one of those places.

STM: What site/landmark took your breath away the most?

HE: Paris is known for its famous museums. After going to many of them during my trip, it was Musée d’Orsay that was the most memorable. Van Gogh and Artaud were featured [during] the time I was there. I was just star-struck with all the Van Gogh paintings.

STM: What dish/drink was most delicious for you?

HE: What a question! While I think everything that I ate was amazing—from cheese to cold cuts—Pouilly-Fuissé white wine would have to be my ultimate favorite. Then there was also this dessert I tried at Avenue de France. It was a simple, salted caramel éclair cake but when I tasted it, I just forgot my name!

STM: What do you have to have with you when you go on a holiday abroad?

HE: I never wear flat shoes so I never thought about how important it is to bring flats on travels. Thankfully, my boyfriend [Sen. Chiz Escudero] kept nagging me about it, so I ended up buying myself skin tone ballet shoes. How it saved my life! Lesson learned, always wear something comfy and something that will last you the whole day.

I also brought a notebook with me. I made sure to take down notes of what I loved, learned about a new place, as well as people I met along the way like friendly drivers and other contacts. So that the next time I go to Paris, I’ll already feel at home.

STM: This trip seemed all the more special because besides your must-haves, you also had Sen. Chiz Escudero to experience Paris with. How is the senator as a travel companion in one of the most romantic destinatio­ns in the world?

HE: Even before I went on this trip, I always thought that when I go to Paris, it would be with the “one.” And so we did, and we were just normal people, eating ice cream on some bench and taking photos. We’re also runners so we got to run around the Eiffel Tower.

He is also the perfect companion because I’m bad with directions and he remembers everything. He’s also super organized so we followed a schedule of the places we needed to visit. Because of this, we didn’t end up wasting time.

He also supported me in looking for all the Christian Louboutin stores because I’m obsessed with the brand. But on our third day, I was thankful that he gave me a touch of reality about spending too much on shopping. After all, he’s everything I need and want.

STM: What’s the next destinatio­n on your travel diary?

HE: Egypt because there is no shopping there. (Laughs) That is the main reason why I chose that place.

 ??  ?? Visiting museums and jogging around the Eiffel Tower are some of the favorite activities Heart Evangelist­a and boyfriend Sen. Chiz Escudero did in Paris, France
Visiting museums and jogging around the Eiffel Tower are some of the favorite activities Heart Evangelist­a and boyfriend Sen. Chiz Escudero did in Paris, France
 ??  ?? Feeling and spreading the love while touring the romantic rivers and restaurant­s of Venice, Italy
Feeling and spreading the love while touring the romantic rivers and restaurant­s of Venice, Italy
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