The Manila Times

‘Baguettes not regrets’: Brexit protesters march in London


LONDON: Thousands of Brexit protesters marched through London waving European flags and chanting "We love you EU" on Saturday, as the queen urged calm after Britain's stunning vote to quit the bloc.

Demonstrat­ors shouted "Shame on you" as they walked past Downing Street, venting their anger at outgoing Prime Minister David Cameron who called last month's referendum to leave the EU.

Organizers said more than 40,000 took part in the march, where demonstrat­ors waved colorful banners reading "Breverse," "The Leave Campaign Lied" and "Never Gonna Give EU Up"—referring to the 1980s hit by Rick Astley.

"Baguettes not regrets," chanted others as they headed towards Parliament in the second protest against Brexit on London's streets in under a week.

"I think the Leave campaign misled people, we are ( making) a wrong decision because of the lies," protestor Casey, 37, told Agence France- Presse.

In a move that sent world financial markets crashing, Britons on June 23 backed withdrawin­g from the 28- member EU. Many cited immigratio­n concerns as the reason to leave the bloc.

The narrow victory has triggered anger in Britain among those who wanted to remain and more than four million people have signed a petition calling for another vote.

"There must be a second referendum. Everybody knows that if there is... we'll vote to stay," said former television producer Nicholas Light, 82, on Saturday's march.

Musician Bob Geldof, who led a flotilla of boats down the Thames as part of the "Remain" campaign, urged supporters to "take to the streets".

"Come out. Ta k e action amongst your friends, work col- leagues and in your neighborho­ods," he said.

' Keep Calm and Carry On'

The vote has laid bare serious divisions in Britain.

Younger voters— many of whom worried about their right to travel and work in the EU— mainly voted to remain while their baby boomer elders were likelier to vote Leave.

Queen Elizabeth II urged calm in an "increasing­ly challengin­g world," in what some commentato­rs suggested could refer to the situation after the Brexit vote.

"As this parliament has successful­ly demonstrat­ed over the years, one hallmark of leadership in such a fast- moving world is allowing sufficient room for quiet thinking and contemplat­ion," she said, while opening a new session of the Scottish parliament in Holyrood.

The BBC's Scottish political editor, Brian Taylor, said the queen's first comments since the Brexit vote could be seen as "a ' Keep Calm and Carry On' message".

The remarks appeared aimed "at the wider body politic, at those in Holyrood, Westminste­r and elsewhere who now have to cope with the impact of the vote to leave the EU," he wrote.

Voters in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the capital London backed remaining, while those that chose to leave were largely from less affluent areas in England and Wales.

The vote has re- ignited the debate over Scotland becoming independen­t, after voters chose to stay part of the United Kingdom in 2014.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon went to Brussels Wednesday to press Scotland's desire stay in the bloc, and says a second independen­ce referendum is now "on the table."

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