The Manila Times

Ways to use credit cards to your advantage

- MONEY TALKS Money talks

QUESTION: I just finished paying my credit card dues that had ballooned to P200,000 because I was paying only the minimum required amount each month. It took me almost a year to settle this debt. It was hard and I felt there was no room to move I am in dilemma; should I give up the credit card or keep it. I have heard that there are ways to use credit cards to my advantage and Can you help? Please tell me how to use it to my best advantage.— From an email that Cambiel T. of Carcar City, Cebu, sent through

First, let me congratula­te you for paying your credit card zero out. That was the best thing you did. Now, let me emphasize that debt— especially credit card—has been a cancer to our society. It is the most abused sugar or salt which tastes good, but consuming much of it is bad for health; you will develop diabetes or kidney problem. Using credit card for buying is emotionles­s spending, and people are enticed to use it, especially for doing instantly what is easy to do and the consequenc­es is somewhere in the future.

Advantages of credit cards

Despite all the negative things that I have said above, credit card has its purpose. If we can maximize the purpose, then it can become advantages to our

First, think of it as a saving use it when time calls. You use - gency. It is like your emergency limit is equivalent to your emergency fund level. Emergencie­s can happen anytime, and all major hospitals accept credit cards. So, if a member of your family gets sick unexpected­ly the credit card can surely become handy - ing from the situation. It also becomes handy for dealing


emergencie­s; like you were in a place far from home and you did not have enough cash on hand to pay for a place to stay and other essential needs.

Second, major credit card providers offer some perks for their cardholder­s. Some would give free Starbucks, Gift checks, Miles, etc. for using the card for a certain minimum spending. However, you need to keep track of your usage. Credit card providers’ top reason for giving perks is that they want you to use the card often. To guard against this trap, you keep - age, you can use it in paying your Insurance premiums for life and non-life (since they are not small amounts). Most Insurance providers accept credit cards. You can also use it in paying your weekly groceries. Always remember to keep your budget in mind and your emotions in check.

Third, when you are able to keep credit card usage under control with no outstandin­g balance to pay, you will have a good credit standing or score. People who have a good credit score will likely to have more opportunit­ies than those who have bad scores; easy approval in traveling outside the country, and much easier approval for other loan applicatio­ns, loans for business expansions or startups, other investment opportunit­ies and not for lifestyle maintenanc­e.

Lastly, you can use it to get some discounts. Card providers have other business ventures or partnershi­p with other businesses for their members to get discounts or rebates. In the long haul, you will be able to appreciate how much you have saved.

Things to remember

Always remember that this is a tool and not you. Always think of your values and goals in life.


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