The Manila Times

Tourists evacuated as volcano near Bali erupts


Rescuers in Indonesia were dispatched Wednesday to most of them foreigners, after a volcano erupted at one of the country’s most popular hiking

Mount Barujari began erupting late Tuesday afternoon, sending columns of ash and smoke shooting 2 kilometers

- corded as hiking near Barujari -- a smaller cone within the crater of Mount Rinjani -- when it began erupting, prompting plans for their immediate evacuation, said national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo

Hikers have been told to keep at least 3 kilometers from the smoulderin­g volcano, a key attraction on the multi- day trek to the summit of Mount Rinjani made by thousands of tourists

Nugroho said 389 hikers were recorded as having entered the national park since Sunday, the overwhelmi­ng

The threat level of the volcano was upgraded Tuesday as Barujari sent plumes of smoke and hot ash into the atmosphere, but remains two steps from the

nearby resort island of Bali were cancelled overnight, but

Flight disruption­s due to drifting ash clouds are not uncommon in Indonesia, which sits on a belt of seismic activity known as the

An eruption at Mount Rinjani last month forced the and disrupted some flights to

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