The Manila Times

ASEAN universiti­es and academic leaves

- TERESITA TANHUECOTU­MAPON http:// www.nationmult­ opinionVie­tnam-a-Nation-on-theMove-30178216.html Thailand Sabbatical­leaves. https://academicaf­­cal-leaves> The author, one of t

OUR membership in the ASEAN University Network (AUN), hopefully, will entice more of our younger academics to want to experience working closely in real time with offshore colleagues. Consequent­ly, we hope HEI’s will free their budding academics for profession­al leaves in ASEAN universiti­es. With this expectatio­n, let us share brief historical background­s of several ASEAN neighbors, noting the fact that these HEIs carry on the academic traditions borne from their historical experience. Herewith too, are examples of academic leaves that may be enjoyed during cross-border stints.

Singapore and Malaysian universiti­es generally follow British academic traditions. As the British East India Company’s trading post from the early decades of 1800, Singapore was a crown colony of Great Britain from 1946 to 1963, becoming a sovereign state in 1965. Malaysia, once known as Malaya, has its history tied up with Singapore—as a colony of Great Britain except for the several years of Japanese occupation (1942 to 1945) until its independen­ce in 1963.

Indonesia, whose historical roots are with the Netherland­s, was a spice and cash crops trading post, eventually colonized as the Dutch East Indies until its independen­ce in 1949.< wiki/History_of_Indonesia>

Vietnam, France’s huge colony was referred to as French Indochina in 1887 until its independen­ce six decades after, in 1954. Besides French, Chinese tradition has marked traces in Vietnam as well. The Chinese rule of more than a thousand years “left Vietnam with profound Confucian traditions which placed great emphasis on the value of learning, reverence for teachers, and a strong motivation to learn.” As a French colony, one huge was replacing “the Vietnamese and Chinese character system with a romanized Vietnamese writing system.” This has been acknowledg­ed to have “contribute­d to a dramatic increase in literacy and the growth of a local publishing industry.” About North Vietnam, Soviet education influence “contribute­d positively to Vietnamese education, primarily in science, mathematic­s, medicine and language pedagogy.”

The only Southeast Asian country to avoid Western colonial rule is Thailand. France and Britain decided to leave it as a neutral them over their colonies. After the end of the absolute monarchy in 1932, Thailand endured 60 years of almost permanent military rule. Then was establishe­d a democratic­ally elected government system until the 2014 coup d’état.

Because of that coup, the annual meeting of our PASCH schools care of the Goethe Institut headquarte­rs for Southeast Asia in Bangkok, was transferre­d to Singapore 10 months later. PASCH schools are supported by the Bundesrepu­blik Deutschlan­d as “Schools: Partners for the Future,” for their strong interest in German language and culture.

AS for the Philippine­s—our 300 years under Spain, several years under Japan, and four decades under the US, until we got our independen­ce and the pervading has our academic lingo very much American. Being in the ASEAN and familiariz­e ourselves with varying academic lingo and practices (British, Dutch, French, Chinese) of our ASEAN colleagues.

Research/study leaves and visiting/exchange professors. Academic leaves, for research/study grants, are for several months to a full schoolyear during which one may receive a full salary. If the grant carries a stipend, this amount could likely be part of or in addition to, the regular salary during leave. If the an exchange could be pre-arranged where the visiting academic under a grant may take over the teaching assignment of the academic on leave as an exchange. This way, there is no economic loss but all gains on both sides--the learning of students from the visiting academic (grant-funded) and that acquired by the academic whilst on leave through his/her research/teaching exposure in a new academic environmen­t. Such a leave may also fall under a sabbatical leave. Offshore exposure in ASEAN HEI’s could be through the Nippon Foundation Fellowship­s for Asian Public Intellectu­als where one may enroll in an HEI in Thailand, Indonesia or Malaysia (besides in the Philippine­s or in Japan) or the National University of Singapore Graduate Student Fellowship­s for Asians research grant or the master’s degree scholarshi­p at the Vietnam National University of Forestry. For more, check the AUN website.

A sabbatical is a leave privilege granted on the seventh of full time teaching/administra­tion/research assignment. My schoolyear and a summer away from Xavier University for doctoral coursework was a sabbatical and a summer leave with regular salary for both leaves. While on sabbatical, one is expected to keep on working, although not in the same kind of work “designed to reinvigora­te and restore one’s academic energies, and to provide a base for future intellectu­al developmen­t and achievemen­t.” Sabbatical leave is “not a right of employment or of excellent performanc­e. It is a privilege awarded based upon an assessment of the contributi­on that will be made to the university as a result of the leave. If the work to be conducted while on leave will strengthen the eligible academic’s ability to serve the mission and purpose of the university in the future, an applicatio­n for sabbatical leave will usually be approved.”<

**** A rejoinder to the Epiphany column last week. “Like many other ‘Solemnitie­s’ and former holidays of obligation, the feast of the Epiphany has been moved to the nearest Sunday” (January 8, not 6, 2017). “Presumably this is so more people can truly celebrate the beautiful feast which the Spaniards called Los Tres Reyes.” Thanks to Fr. Jim O’Donnell of Ateneo de Manila.

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