The Manila Times

Hopes for climate pact shift to diplomatic sphere


BONN: After frustratin­g talks in Bonn with an American delegation in limbo, UN climate negotiator­s are pinning their hopes for the Paris Agreement's future on diplomatic armtwistin­g at the highest level.

On the campaign trail, now- president Donald Trump vowed to "cancel" the 196-nation pact to rein in global warming by curbing emissions from burning oil, coal and gas.

He has not yet executed his threat, but Trump has made it clear where he stands.

His secretary of state was a CEO of oil giant ExxonMobil, and the Environmen­tal Protection Agency head an anti-climate litigator. Trump has moved to slash EPA funding, and plants and vehicle emissions.

Now the man who has called climate change a "hoax" perpetrate­d by China, is scheduled to rub shoulders with some of the high-stakes huddles.

Key members of both groupings have already called on Trump to stay the climate course.

"If Donald Trump is unclear on the lethal implicatio­ns of his muddled climate policy, then it's up to the other leaders of damaging his actions can be," said Mohamed Adow, an analyst with Christian Aid, which advocates for poor country interests at the UN climate forum.

"They must make a strong case for action when they meet."

his peers from Germany, Canada, France, Britain, Italy and Japan.

Ride it out?

The leaders of Germany and Canada, as well as France's new president Emmanuel Macron, are viewed as champions of the climate cause.

But this type of multilater­al discussion involves much diplomatic give-and-take on a wide range of political and economic issues of national interest. There are some doubts there will be time or space for a strong focus on global warming.

The White House has said Trump will not announce his decision on the Paris Agree

Jochen Flasbarth, Germany's state secretary of the environmen­t, said in Bonn this week that climate change was "one of the issues of highest priority" for his country's

"We work very hard together with many other friends in the world to convince the US that staying in the Paris Agreement is the right way to go," he said.

There are fears in the UN climate forum that an American withdrawal may prompt others to follow suit, or simply undermine the collective will -- crafted over two decades of tough negotiatio­ns -- to ramp up climate action over time. Also under threat is US climate funding. Trump is unlikely to honor an outstandin­g his predecesso­r to the Green Climate Fund, or America's contributi­on to the budget of the UN climate secretaria­t (UNFCCC).

The uncertaint­y cast a long shadow over technical negotiatio­ns, hosted by the UNFCCC in Bonn from May 8 to 18, on a nuts-and-bolts "rule book" to implement the deal.

Some delegates said it might be better to let the US break ranks than let it undermine the negotiatio­ns from the inside.

"It may be the case that he (Trump) is listening to the ExxonMobil­s and wanting to actually think through how to use that seat at the table," commented Adow.

Others say the rest of the world should better "ride out" Trump's presidency and wait for the next administra­tion to pursue America's commitment­s under the deal.

Who will be next?

But this comes with uncertaint­y.

"After four years will there be a new president who is favoring" climate action? "Maybe not," said Qimin Chai of China's National Center for Climate Change Strategy and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n.

For Adow, China will be key in cranking up the pressure in the coming weeks.

China's Xi Jinping was instrument­al, alongside Barack Obama, in pushing the Paris deal through.

On Sunday, Beijing hosted a meeting on internatio­nal trade, attended by the leaders of such countries as Russia, Argentina, Belarus, Indonesia, the Philippine­s, Switzerlan­d and Turkey.

In what is considered a message of climate solidarity against Trump, the leaders' closing statement encouraged "all parties the Paris Agreement."

Other key opportunit­ies for building diplomatic pressure, say observers, include the so- called Petersberg Climate countries, and an EU- China business

Trump is also due to meet Pope Francis, a strong proponent of global action against cli

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