The Manila Times

Angry Trump decries being target of Russia probe


WASHINGTON, D. C.: President Donald Trump responded angrily to reports that he is under criminal investigat­ion Thursday, deriding a “witch hunt” against him led by some “very bad” people.

He was answering accounts that he is personally being investigat­ed for obstructio­n of justice with a characteri­stic scorchedea­rth defense: claiming mistreatme­nt of historic proportion­s and calling into question the probity of his accusers.

“You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history— led by some very bad and conflicted people!” he said in an early morning tweet.

Trump did not directly address the allegation­s that he is being probed for possibly obstructin­g justice— a potentiall­y impeachabl­e offense. Nor did he deny that he has entered the miniscule ranks of sitting presidents who have become subjects of criminal investigat­ions.

“They made up a phony collusion with the Russians story, found zero proof, so now they go for obstructio­n of justice on the phony story. Nice,” he wrote.

Trump’s young presidency has been battered by allegation­s— under investigat­ion both by Congress and the FBI— that Russia interfered to sway the 2016 election in his favor, in possible collusion with Trump’s campaign team.

The FBI probe, now in the hands of special counsel Robert Mueller, shifted its focus to allegation­s of obstructio­n in the days after Trump fired the agency’s then- director James Comey on May 9.

The new allegation­s against Trump center on his own admission that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigat­ion, and suggestion­s he asked several top intelligen­ce officials for their help altering the inquiry’s direction.

The Washington Post reported Thursday evening that Mueller’s team is also focusing on the finances and business dealings of Jared Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser and son- in- law.

The widened Russia probe could have far- reaching repercussi­ons for Trump’s presidency, transformi­ng his closest aides into witnesses and sucking yet more political oxygen out of the West Wing.

An aide to Vice President Mike Pence revealed on Thursday that he was hiring Richard Cullen— a veteran of the IranContra investigat­ion, Watergate and the 2000 vote recount in Florida— as a private lawyer.

The latest White House crisis struck on the evening of Trump’s 71st birthday, after a day in which he had won plaudits for his handling of the shooting of Republican Congressma­n Steve Scalise.

In an address to the country, Trump struck a notably less partisan tone in response to his first major domestic crisis.

Ditching derogatory rhetoric about the Washington “swamp,” he rallied in support of his fellow politician­s and called on the country to pull together.

“We may have our difference­s, but we do well, in times like these, to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country,” Trump said.

But his tweets virtually ensure that the political focus swings back to the Russia scandal.

‘Inexcusabl­e and illegal’

The president has long vehemently denied any collusion with Moscow.

But as the legal rope has tightened, his allies have gone on the offensive, questionin­g the credibilit­y of the special investigat­or Mueller, a respected former FBI director who served under Republican president George W. Bush.

Allies have even floated the idea that Mueller may be fired.

On Wednesday, Trump’s lawyer Marc Kasowitz suggested— without providing evidence— that the FBI had leaked details of the criminal probe.

“The FBI leak of informatio­n regarding the President is outrageous, inexcusabl­e and illegal,” Kasowitz said via a spokesman.

Late on Thursday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein— who is overseeing the Russia investigat­ion— issued a statement saying the Justice Department does not confirm or deny the kind of allegation­s in news reports about the probe, and encouragin­g the public to be skeptical of them.

“Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anony they do not identify the country— let alone the branch or agency of government—with which the alleged sources supposedly are

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