The Manila Times

Ignorance or plain stupidity?

- GIL H. A. SANTOS Commentsan­dreactions­to gilsmanila­

TOP anti-global terrorism and security experts from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippine­s are scheduled to meet towards the end of this month or early next to assess the extent of incursion by the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS or IS) in the Asean countries, and work out a united front to combat it. I say it’s about time! This came over the weekend from our sources in Jakarta and Manila.

It also came on the heels of a New Straits Times report last Friday in Kuala Lumpur that three men (two Indonesian­s and a Malaysian) were arrested by the Malaysian police in Sandakan, Sabah with “documents” before they could smuggle themselves into the southern Philippine­s.

The Police Inspector General of Sandakan (Sabah) reportedly said the three “suspected terrorists” were going to join the IS in Marawi when they were arrested.

And yet, we have our so-called human rights advocates and some senators and representa­tives who insist that President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaratio­n of martial law in gone on a rampage of killing and destructio­n in Marawi City since May 23 are not threats to our national security.

It is completely insane or simple stupidity for those in our legislatur­e and civil society who are against a strong government hand against the Maute and the other rebel groups in our country to ignore the recent moves of internatio­nal terrorists in the Middle East and Europe recently.

Murderous global terrorists and violence understand only one language: exterminat­ion of human lives and violent war. Let the religious pray for divine help but government must respond with an iron hand—or fail miserably.

If these anti- strong government elements in our society would just use their resources to read the moves of these internatio­nal terrorists—and they are available on the Internet and major internatio­nal and regional news organizati­ons and media every day— they would realize that:

The IS is losing in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Africa so it is natural it will look for a better area where it can succeed.

Last week, the Russians annihilate­d in Syria the stronghold of IS leader Abdul Bakr Bagdadhi, and the Russian and American intelligen­ce groups are verifying if he was among those killed in the bombing.

The IS are actually losing in the Middle East and that is precisely the reason they have shifted their hub of terrorism and violence to Southeast Asia, particular­ly the Asean members.

The Asean is a target of the IS because this region of more than 640 million people in an area so rich in national resources and biodiversi­ty—its food potential from agricultur­e, horticultu­re, orchards and marine products will render it a major food supplier of the world—is predicted to be the fastest growing region of the world up to 2050.

The IS, which warps the concept of jihad to be a war between Muslims and non-Muslims to recruit their young human suicide bombers, manipulate­s the poverty of Muslims in the Philippine­s and the rest of the Asean for its own goals.

President Duterte and his administra­tion are natural targets of the IS because he is admittedly (based on the polls) getting more popular and succeeding in uniting Muslim and Christian Filipinos for economic progress— which is going to be a problem for the terrorists, that is, the Muslim extremists, as opposed to the peaceful and moderate, law-abiding Muslims in Mindanao.

The conference­s of internatio­nal anti-terrorists and security experts from 29 countries, and the armed forces chiefs of the Asean members last month revealed this coming shift of the IS activities in this region—and it really started last Mayy 23 in Marawi City.

In the face of all these, one pertinent question can be asked of our legislator­s and members of our civil their resources to provide our people with accurate, current and vetted informatio­n in this age of informatio­n technology?

Use the new informatio­n and communicat­ion technologi­es—which actually are real tools for economic progress in any county or region whose people are willing to use these positively instead of promoting personal and transactio­nal politics for personal or exclusive corporate gains and greed—for national inclusive growth.

Imagine if the impoverish­ed small individual farmers in the rural areas can be organized into a cooperativ­e and to use the mobile phones and the telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture to spread production and market informatio­n.

That will help them improve their livelihood in a couple of years’ time—given at least eight months of education and informatio­n campaign on them—to help them understand and convince them of the wisdom to adapt new technologi­es for production and productivi­ty.

Most of our rural folk often argue against adapting new technologi­es: “This is what my grandparen­ts and parents taught me. This has been tried and tested, it you are telling me, so why should I follow you?”

If you analyze it, it is more of a communicat­ion problem. The learned man who means well and wants to the rural and coastal areas, cannot explain it in simple language that the rural dweller can understand and accept. That is a generation­al challenge/problem.

More on the solution in the next columns.

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