The Manila Times

What we know so far about the OFW ID card


S media went agog last week over the soft launch of - receipt issued by the Philippine - its holder is an overseas Filipino worker who underwent the government’s standard procedures. An were able to stumble upon listed the cost of the ID card at P501 with an additional P200 charge for PhilPost delivery. This turned out to be bogus amounts.

It differenti­ates them from other outbound passengers. A worker together with the passport to as status thereby enabling the work to avail of travel tax and terminal fee exemptions.

During the soft launch held last July 12, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said that the its cost will be charged to the foreign employers. How much interview with Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson, Secretary Bello said the cost would not exceed a costs only two hundred pesos.

How will the government make sure that the worker will not pay for the card? Secretary Bello said that this is a matter between the DoLE and foreign employers. Repeatedly, the secretary said: “This

When will the OFW cards be issued? The the I- DOLE card is August 2017. Starting August, an OFW can avail of the card from the embassy, or when on vacation, in any of Building in Intramuros, Manila.

Meanwhile, all government agencies from the POEA to the immigratio­n bureau and beyond will still use the OEC as basis for its OFW services. An OFW, therefore, need not worry about not having an I-DOLE card from now until such time that the labor department declares the card to be fully activated and internatio­nally available.

I won’t be surprised if the card is mentioned in the second State of the Nation Address of President Duterte, in line with his directive to cut lines and red tape. The OFW card is a laudable initiative. DoLE has to deliver an - ering the enormous trust and love that our OFWs have in and for the President. I learned that the ACTS OFW party- list donated the software and basic hardware needed by the government to develop the OFW ID card. The party-list, however, has no role in the manner by which DoLE intends to issue millions of these OFW cards.

According to labor undersecre­tary CiriacoLag­unzad, the department has a 90-day window to pilot-test the OFW ID card and make sure that the databases are in sync, all necessary inter-agency agreements are signed, and enough personnel and machines are available.

The POEA Governing Board will meet tomorrow to agree on the cost of the card. On Wednesday, the DoLE will sign memorandum­s of agreement with the Developmen­t Bank of the Philippine­s (DBP), APO Printing, Inc. and PhilPost. The DBP shall be the repository of payments for the OFW ID card. It will pay APO Printing for the cost of printing the card, and PhilPost for its delivery services here and abroad.

DoLEsaid that theOFW ID card would eventually become an ATM card that is linked to the soon-to-be-opened OFW Bank. Once the DFA agrees, the OFW card can also serve as a substitute to the passport. The card will be linked to the SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG Fund for easy access to records of contributi­ons. Here are a few reality checks for DoLE to consider. Foreign employers are not under Philippine jurisdicti­on. The government cannot compel a foreign employer to pay less than a thousand pesos for an ID card unless this is clearly written in the POEA rules and regulation­s, and was a product of earlier consultati­ons.

The OEC is issued on the same day of applicatio­n because everything from processing to payment is lodged with the POEA. The OFW card involves several agencies: applicatio­n is with POEA, payment is with DBP, delivery is with PhilPost and the server is with DoLE. Delays are to be expected.

The OFW ID cannot take the place of the Philippine passport. We have a passport law. We don’t have an OFW ID law. Besides, other countries will not consider it.

The cost of the card and other details concerning its timeline and issuance will be known this week. Our OFW friends need to be patient, because the OFW ID is clearly still a work in progress.

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