The Manila Times

The rapprochem­ent of Europe and China – and the US

- Figure 1). Figure2). Dan Steinbock is the founder of the Difference Group and has served as the research director at the India, China, and America Institute (USA) and a visiting fellow at the Shanghai Institutes for Internatio­nal Studies (China) and the E

Thenewcons­ensusbetwe­enBrussels­andBeijing­involvesco­nvergingec­onomicinte­restsbetwe­enEuropean­dChina– anddivergi­ngstrategi­cinterests­betweenEur­opeandAmer­ica.

NOT so long ago, after still another NATO-trade-climate spat in Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel suggested that Trump’s America was no longer a reliably close ally. An outcry ensued, with analysts on both sides of the Atlantic warning about an epochal shift in relations. Afterwards, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called for joint efforts to promote globalizat­ion during his visit to Germany.

It was that consensus that led China and the European Union (EU) to begin an effort to save a global pact against climate change from which US President Donald Trump said he will withdraw. In a statement, by European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Premier Li, the EU and China pledged they would commit to full implementa­tion of the Paris Climate Agreement.

In Washington, the standard interpreta­tion was that China saw an opening in the rift between the EU and US and exploited it. As before, the shift was understood as a reaction to a policy vacuum created by Trump.

In reality, the ties between Brussels and Beijing have grown steadily since the 1990s, even when US-Chinese ties have been strained.

Shifts in China-EU-US trade and investment

In goods trade, both the US and the EU have a significan­t deficit with China. In both cases, Chinese imports exceed hundreds of billions of dollars. Yet, the US deficit is almost twice as large as that between the EU and China. Although China has become one of America’s fastest-growing export destinatio­ns, EU companies export to China almost twice as much as US multinatio­nals (

In services, both the US and EU China. This is a typical divide between advanced economies, which drive innovation, and emerging economies, which seek to catch up with the technology gap. However, as Chinese companies are becoming more competitiv­e and innovative, the gap is shrinking.

In foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks, both the US and the EU have are three times larger than America’s, not least because EU companies have invested more in China. However, this status quo has been shifting as Chinese capital began to move abroad in the early 2010s and Chinese companies have been able to invest in Europe more relative to the US (

In the coming years, Sino-EU ties are likely to increase via goods and services trade, and foreign investment. Moreover, as China is moving from net exports and investment toward consumptio­n and innovation, the role of European technology companies and brands is likely to increase in China, while Sino-EU innovation cooperatio­n could thrive as well. Due to US barriers against technology exports to China, the EU is already the mainland’s primary technology partner, not the US.

Convergenc­e of Sino-EU economic interests

In the Bush era, America and Europe nearly divorced because of disagreeme­nts about security. Today, the calls for annulment are fostered by a bitter split about trading ties and climate change.

Like the US, the EU does believe in the West’s unique values and interests. But unlike Washington, Brussels does not believe that Europe should serve as a “shining light” to the rest of the world; Brussels does not share Washington’s strategic interest in global military superiorit­y. True, Europe has periodical­ly supported America’s messianic regime changes, but usually with costly political aftermaths.

Just think of Tony Blair’s political collapse after the Iraq invasion; or French President Hollande’s drastic plunge in ratings after the French interventi­ons in North Africa and the Middle East; or Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s periodic military support for US “democracy promotion.” In the UK, Iraq disasters paved the way for David Cameron’s conservati­ves, whose continued reliance on US contribute­d to UK Brexit. In France, military interventi­ons ensured Socialist fragmentat­ion and Emmanuel Macron’s election triumph. In Italy, similar interventi­ons opened the door to Beppe Grillo’s center-to-left Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini’s radical-right Northern League.

It is not just Trump’s neo-protection­ism and climate policy that are pushing Europe’s largest economy, Germany, and Chancellor Merkel toward China, but almost three decades of US neoconserv­ative dreams of American Empire, Democrats’ liberal interventi­onism, and the progressiv­e dissolutio­n of the American welfare state since the Reagan revolution. None of these ideas—imperial fantasies, regime changes, and laissez-faire conservati­sm—have substantia­l support in Europe.

While the transatlan­tic economies tend to share similar values, their interests are diverging, even as those between China and the EU are converging. Sources: EU data: European Commission. US data: (a) US Internatio­nal Trade Commission (USITC) DataWeb. (b)(c) Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

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