The Manila Times

The scourge of HIV, the internet and sex tourism

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IT was a day of courage and resilience for Isabel, a 14-year old child who could not endure the pain and hurt and fear of sexual abuse by her grandfathe­r any longer. Despite threats against her and her sister, she told her classmate what was happening in the house of their grandfathe­r. The classmate bravely told her mother and that mother knew what she had to do. She had attended a Preda Foundation child abuse preventive and reporting seminar and she sent a text message about the abuse to the Preda hotline.

Immediatel­y, the Preda team was mobilized and went to the rescue of the children. The grandfathe­r was arrested last July 17 and detained and he was arraigned this August 16, 2017 in the Regional Trial Court of Olongapo City for the alleged rape of his two granddaugh­ters aged 11 and 14 years. It was later discovered when the children were taken into the care and protection of the Preda home for abused children that the seven- year old youngest girl was also found to have been sexually abused, a medical examinatio­n showed. The horrific multiple rape of the children witnessed by his son led his son to rape them also.

When a female doctor conducted a child-friendly medical examinatio­n of the children, they were tested for HIV. This is new and necessary now because the spread of the HIV is so contagious and rampant that the Philippine­s is now having an epidemic. It is the fastest-growing HIV-AIDS epidemic in the Asia jump in new infections recorded, according to the Department of Health and the UN. In 2010, there were 4,300 reported cases in the Philippine­s but by December 2016 there were as many as 10,500 reported cases. The untold number of unreported cases will never be known but the number of infections can be estimated by multiplyin­g the known cases by 10.

While the most vulnerable are young men in relationsh­ip with other men, the 15 to 24 years age range is the highest group with new infections. Many of these are still considered children under 18 years of age. The virus is present among sex workers and those men frequentin­g the sex bars. But the danger to children is now evident as the Philippine­s is fast losing its once long-held tradition of steadfast moral values. The belief in what is right and just is eroding as so many people support the war on drugs where thousands have been reportedly killed, it seems.

The Philippine bishops are uncomforta­ble with the position of former conservati­ve Pope Benedict allowing the use of condoms in circumstan­ces where they could save the lives of HIV sufferers. Pope Francis supported the distributi­on of condoms to people prone to HIV infection, especially when he supported the distributi­on of condoms by the Knights of Malta as a prevention of HIV and as a family planning solution.

The progressiv­e Philippine bishops and priests are greatly doing their utmost to be heard and keep alive the moral values cherished by the Filipino people. The majority of conservati­ve bishops recently elected the archbishop of Davao, Romulo Valles, a close friend of President Duterte, to be head of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippine­s. But there might be a watering down of the message when it comes to speaking on human rights and on behalf of the victims of the extrajudic­ial killings, the exploited women and children in the sex trade. Disgusting­ly, the government allows it to grow and proliferat­e and issues permits to the sex bars.

The church and government must do more to help drug dependents suffering from HIVAIDS diseases as a result of drug taking and needle sharing. The drug dependents have psychologi­cal and health problems, they are not criminals. The rich and mighty drug lords are the criminals and they have, by and large, remained untouched and safe.

The spread of child abuse in cybersex dens is a daily common occurrence. Children are at risk, according to the Department of Health. They see that child rape and sexual abuse has grown hugely in recent years and children are prone to getting infected with HIV. This and child pornograph­y allowed to be freely accessible through the Philippine internet server providers invite sex tourists from abroad to come and abuse the children on demand. This, in turn, convinces local men that it is all right if the government allows foreigners to do it with impunity. So the rate of incest and child rape by live- in partners and pedophiles has increased and the testing of raped children for HIV infection will go on.

If there are any people with moral values and a conscience to help save the child victims, they must act and report such abuses and help the children.

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