The Manila Times

A year after losing arbitratio­n, China wins control of South China Sea


AYEAR after China lost an arbitratio­n case brought against it by the Philippine­s over disputed territorie­s in the South China Sea, Beijing has emerged the victor in real terms of Arbitratio­n’s ruling favoring Manila’s arguments based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos). And then the Philippine­s, under President Rodrigo Duterte, made an about-turn, adopting a policy of cooperatio­n with China.

Meanwhile, Vietnam, another country with territoria­l claims in the South China Sea, has bowed to China’s superior might after threats from Beijing, and ceased oil exploratio­n activities in an area within its exclusive economic zone.

Little wonder, then, that last month, a year after the arbitratio­n case, a spokesman of China’s foreign ministry, Geng Shuang, declared: “With the concerted efforts of China, the Philippine­s and other Asean countries, the situation in the South China Sea has stabilized and taken on a good trend.”

- ternationa­l law works. With little external support, the small countries of Southeast Asia have little choice but to make the best of a bad situation.

China wants to keep it that way. The week before Asean opened its annual meetings, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged Asean members to unite against “non-regional forces”— rather like the fox telling chickens not to let anyone else into the henhouse.

The identity of these outside forces was clear to all. On August 7, the US, Japan and Australia held a ministeria­l meeting of the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue and issued a joint statement. There was a paragraph on the South China Sea.

“The ministers called on China and the Philippine­s to abide by the arbitral tribunal’s 2016 Award in the Philippine­s-China - gally binding on both parties,” the statement said.

Responding to the announceme­nt that China and Asean had reached agreement on a framework Code of Conduct on the South China Sea, the statement “urged Asean member states and China to ensure that the COC be that it be legally binding, meaningful, effective and consistent with internatio­nal law.”

China did not appreciate such unsolicite­d advice. Wang Yi said some countries “outside the South China Sea are still dwelling on the past and turning a blind eye to positive changes of the situation.”

Officially, Beijing espouses a policy of resolving problems through dialogue and negotiatio­ns. But the reality of its

military power is ever present. China claims almost the entire South China Sea.

Thus, Duterte disclosed in May that President Xi Jinping had told him that if the Philippine­s tried to drill for oil in an area within Manila’s exclusive economic zone, China would declare war.

In June, after Vietnam granted permission to drill for gas within its exclusive economic zone, China issued repeated warnings. Finally, Vietnam’s ambassador to China was told that, unless the drilling stopped, China would take military action. Hanoi backed down.

This month, Asean marked its 50th anniversar­y during its annual series of meetings, hosted this year by Manila. A statement was issued after a meeting of its 10 foreign ministers. As in previous years, the South China Sea was discussed but, this time, the statement was cautiously worded and did not mention China by name.

But it did take note of “the concerns expressed by some Ministers on the land reclamatio­ns and activities in the area, which increased tensions and may undermine peace, security and stability in the region.”

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang found comfort in the fact that the section on the South China Sea this year was “much shorter than that of the past” and did not mention China. He also declared that China had ceased its reclamatio­n activities in 2015.

This was rebutted by the Asia Maritime Transparen­cy Initiative of the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies, a Washington- based think tank. “China’s own reclamatio­n work did not end in mid- 2015 with the completion of its artificial islands in the Spratlys,” it said while releasing recent photograph­s. “Beijing continues to reclaim land farther north, in the Paracel islands.”

One person who believes that China had stopped reclamatio­n is the Philippine foreign secretary, Alan Peter Cayetano. He had lobbied against referring to land reclamatio­n in the Asean foreign ministers’ statement because the Chinese “are not claiming land anymore.” Evidently, however, his Asean associates weren’t as trusting and thus land reclamatio­n was again cited.

So, ironically, despite losing in the arbitral tribunal, China has won effective control of the South China Sea. Unless the US, Japan, Australia and others are willing to go beyond issuing pious statements, China has shown that it pays to defy internatio­nal law.

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