The Manila Times

US orders prototypes for Mexico border wall


The US Customs and Border Protection agency ordered prototypes for President Donald Trump’s proposed wall on the US-Mexican border Thursday, even though a budget fight in Congress could leave the project unfunded for next year.

Four companies were awarded contracts to build reinforced concrete models up to 30 feet (nine meters) high, Acting CBP Deputy Commission­er Ronald announced.

The prototypes have to have “anti-climb” features to deter illegal immigrants from sneaking into the United States.

The government also expects to award contracts for nonconcret­e prototypes.

They will be evaluated not only on the physical structure, but “all of the tools that help us secure the Vitiello border,” he said.

Trump promised in his election campaign last year to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. For the has proposed $1.8 billion to begin building what could become a $20 billion project spanning the 3,200-kilometer (2,000-mile) frontier.

But Congress is deeply split over the budget and worries are that it might not be able to bridge its difference­s and fund the govern on October 1.

On Sunday Trump insisted pay for his promised border wall, branding Mexico a hotbed of violent crime.

And he has warned that he will close down the government if Congress does not give him funding for the wall.

 ??  ?? WASHINGTON, D.C.:

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