The Manila Times

Charice forgets commandmen­t in pursuit of career as Jake


Mom Raquel rumored to present her side in ‘Magpakaila­nman’

THOSE who had the chance to watch “Maalaala Mo Kaya” last Saturday, which featured the story of Charice Pempengco— and of course, her transforma­tion into Jake Zyrus today—were taken aback by how her mother Raquel was depicted in the story.

Roving Eye has heard Raquel could not believe that after raising her daughter and giving her everything she could, Charice had accused her of being a bad mother.

It seems Charice had forgotten the commandmen­t “Honor thy father and thy mother.” What could Raquel have done to be treated that way by her own child?

Here’s hoping that the Filipino saying, Matitiis nganakangk­anyanginap­ero‘dimatitiis­ng Jake Zyrus inaangkany­anganak,” will prevail. However, word has it that Raquel is ready to tell her version of the story on the rival program of the ABS-CBN drama series via GMA Network’s “Magpakaila­nman.” Roving Eye from the show’s producers but they have not responded as of press time.

Roving Eye admires Will Devaughn’s resolve to learn Filipino through the help of his girlfriend Roxanne Barcelo. Will speaks much better than other balikbayan lookers who tried their luck in showbiz.

For someone who doesn’t have a drop of Filipino blood, it’s really amazing how Will has become “Filipinize­d” in such a short time.

Roving Eye C7

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