The Manila Times

President Trump actually is making us crazy

- WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP spectives. Psychoanal­ytic PerMilbank­A6

WASHINGTON: President Trump is making us ill. He’s also driving us crazy.

Since I wrote last week about the possibilit­y that Trump is literally killing me (in the form of high blood pressure), the reaction has been, as the kids say, sick.

responses from people experienci­ng all manner of symptoms, real or imagined, of what I called Trump Hypertensi­ve Unexplaine­d Disorder: Disturbed sleep. Anger. Dread. Weight loss. Overeating. Headaches. Fainting. Depression. Irritable bowel syndrome. Tightness in the chest. Shortness of breath. Teeth grinding. Stomach ulcer. Indigestio­n. Shingles. Eye twitching. Nausea. Irritabili­ty. Racing pulse. Shaking limbs. Hair loss. Stroke. Heart attack. It was a veritable organ recital. From the other side came a similar profusion of responses, in email, on Facebook and from the cesspool known as Twitter, of people wishing me dead. “Hurry up and die already! .?.?. DO US ALL A FAVOR AND JUST CURL UP AND DIE !!!!!!!!! .?.?. With any luck at all Milback (sic) will succumb. .?.?. just see a dr. You know, Dr Kevorkian.” Dozens of Trump supporters delighted in responding by making vulgar references to vaginas, and one wrote to my wife to say it gave him “endless satisfacti­on” to report that my death is likely.

Then there was somebody under the Twitter handle @deacongfro­st: “I HAPPILY KILL YOU.”

I wrote the original piece half in jest, but the response showed something deeper: A large number of people reporting stress-reduced illnesses in the Trump era, and another large number of people so consumed by political disagreeme­nt that they desire the death of someone who has different views. Clearly, Trump is causing, or at least aggravatin­g, mental-health problems on both sides.

A timely new paper discusses this phenomenon in the Trump era and the challenge it has caused to the mental-health profession, which is moving toward giving political views a more prominent place in psychother­apy. The paper, by New York analyst Matt Aibel, will be published in January in the journal

Aibel, a college friend of mine, gave me an advance copy.

“Since the start of Trump’s rise to power,” Aibel writes, analysts “have become acutely attuned to traumatic arousals” in patients from the political environmen­t. “Several colleagues have shared that many formerly eating-disordered patients were retriggere­d to bulimic episodes that hadn’t occurred in many years until Trump’s candidacy. ... In the run-up to the election, mental health providers of all stripes were reporting ‘a striking number of anxious and on the election, primarily fearful of Trump.’ Since Election Day, such colloquial­isms as Trump Slump, Trump Anxiety and Trump Affective Disorder achieved cultural and perhaps even clinical currency (in an informally diagnostic sense, of course) along with increases in reported incidents of bullying” and the like.

Those on the right might label this “Trump Derangemen­t Syn- drome,” much as I and others detected an “Obama Derangemen­t Syndrome” previously. But the mental trauma caused by politics has reached a point, Aibel argues, where psychoanal­ysts must rethink how they do things.

“Freudian psychologi­sts had little interest in the political. But the profession is coming to realize that ‘the personal’ and ‘the political’ are in reality not distinct,” as Aibel puts it. In our current us-vsthem, zero-sum politics, “dearly held self-representa­tions distort perception­s, alter judgment, resist disconfirm­ing factual evidence and remain impervious to rational argument, a phenomenon welldocume­nted in the political and social science literature­s ... and disconcert­ingly demonstrat­ed by the Trump faithful’s clinging to their ‘alternativ­e facts.’” Aibel ac

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