The Manila Times

MDPPA reminds motorists about road safety during

- UNDAS, Undas.

the yearly Philippine holiday commemorat­ing loved ones who have passed on, is being celebrated today. The Motorcycle Developmen­t Program Participan­ts Associatio­n, Inc. (MDPPA) hopes to remind motorcycle riders to practice road safety this

Magnus Mateo, MDPPA Road Safety Committee Vice Chairman, shares some tips to guide motorcycle riders as they go out to be with family and friends in the cemetery or the provinces:

1. Ability. Motorcycle riders should know how to properly ride a motorcycle. First-time motorcycle owners are encouraged to take riding lessons.

2. Visibility. Motorcycle riders should ensure they are always seen by other motorists on the road. Avoid changing lanes or merging on other vehicles’ blind spots.

3. Predictabi­lity. Avoid sudden stops and immediate left or right turns as these will endanger the rider and passenger.

4. Dependabil­ity. Always check the motorcycle’s condition before any trip, whether it is a long ride or just a short one.

5. Variabilit­y. Expect the unexpected. Always practice defensive driving. Give proper road courtesy but do not expect other road users to provide the same treatment.

These reminders should be followed not only during holidays or long rides but every day, according to Mateo. For emergencie­s on the road, call 117 to alert the Philippine National Police (PNP) or 320 to get assistance from the Metro Manila Developmen­t Authority (MMDA).

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