The Manila Times

Humanizing neurologic­al diseases through literature


DUBAI, UAE: Talks of neurologic­al diseases are often marked with numbers and technical informatio­n that overlooks the painful human struggle, but that’s where the role of literature comes in.

Neuroscien­tist and author Lisa Genova was inspired by her experience with her grandmothe­r who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s before pinning down her best-selling book Still Alice, a fiction that revolves around a Harvard professor suffering early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

The book that, later adapted Award for Best Actress for Julianne Moore’s powerful performanc­e, helped stir global conversati­on about Alzheimer’s disease.

For the 46-year-old author, literature and film humanize such experience­s and serve as vehicles for social change in overcoming the stigma surroundin­g mental illness.

“I could understand Alzheimer’s as a nurse, scientist and a caregiver for my grandmothe­r, but there was a missing piece for me, which is empathy,” said Genova on the sidelines of her panel discussion at Sharjah Internatio­nal Book Fair.

“I didn’t know how to feel with her and I was upset she didn’t know who I was. All I read didn’t - can explore empathy and walk in someone else’s shoes to express the disease from their point of view.”

Using her experience as a neuroscien­tist, Genova published four NewYorkTim­es best-selling books about characters dealing with neurologic­al diseases ranging from Alzheimer’s to autism and Huntington’s Disease.

Her upcoming book “Every Note Played” is about ALS - or Lou Gehrig’s disease -featuring a young concert pianist named Richard, a character inspired by Still Alice codirector Richard Glatzer who died of the disease in 2015.

While Alzheimer’s disease revolves around identity, ALS is about forgivenes­s and communicat­ion, Genova said.

“With Alzheimer’s, if you can’t remember who you are, are you still you? If you lost your job because you can’t function cognitivel­y, do you still matter?” she added.

Her new book is about a couple stuck in blame, regret and unresolved matters. “ALS paralyzes and steals people’s ability to eventually speak, which brings up the question: How many of us without ALS capable of saying everything we want but we fail to tell the people we love that we love them. We fail to give or accept forgivenes­s,” said Genova.

such big universal human questions that people experience through diseases rather unfamiliar to society.

While her book Still Alice came to life after coming across 27 cases of early stages of Alzheimer’s and countless interviews with doctors, Genova said the film invited global conversati­on.

“There has been a big uptake in funding for research for Alzheimer’s. I see more attention, money and research are accelerati­ng towards the disease,” she added.

Even though cure hasn’t been particular­ly found, at least the book - port system for patients and beat down the stigma around the disease.

“Patients of these diseases are excluded because society is unfamiliar with their conditions, but this education will help people break down shame and fear, inviting these people back into the community,” said Genova.

When cancer wasn’t spoken about, there were no treatments nor survivors. “When we put down that shame and fear, people rallied around families going through cancer and now we have treatments and survivors,” noted our vehicles to change that about similar diseases.”

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