The Manila Times

One step at a time to save Planet Earth

- Dune, www.

TODAY, November 13, is the start of the United Nations’ massive open online course, “National Adaptation Plans: Building Resilience in Agricultur­e.” The six- week course— free and open to anyone who is interested, has access to the Internet, and knows English— aims to lift awareness and deepen understand­ing on how to make agricultur­e resilient in the face of the extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change.

Participan­ts are expected to get a good grasp of links between climate change, agricultur­e and food security, become familiar with relevant internatio­nal agreements and how these relate to local levels, and they will learn how to identify and prioritize adaptation options in agricultur­e, among others.

The six- week course was put together by the United Nations Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on, the United Nations Developmen­t Program, and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. All one has to do in order to join is to go to

and register. Incidental­ly, it is also at this time that world leaders, government officials and environmen­tal advocates are gathering in Bonn, Germany, for the 23rd annual Conference of Parties under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The conference shows “the two faces” of climate change: The face of the “positive, resolute, inspiring momentum by so many government­s,” cities and states, business and civil society leaders coming together to do something concrete to save the planet. The other face is “the reality check. The thermomete­r of risk is rising…, the window of opportunit­y is closing,” according to Patricia Espinosa, the UN Climate Change Executive Director, in a November 5 press statement.

I couldn’t help but recall Frank Herbert’s epic novel in particular Dr. Liet- Kynes and his dream. Liet- Kynes started greening the desert planet of Arrakis by making the local tribe plant small plants and grasses, even if they all knew it would take many generation­s to turn the desert into a place fit for human life. But eventually the desert was all but gone.

One could say that advocates of regenerati­ve farming and land use are the Kyneses of today’s real world. They believe that regenerati­ve farming and land use “can reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter”. Regenerati­ve agricultur­e, in the advocates’ own words, “is a holistic land management practice that leverages the power of photosynth­esis in plants to close the carbon cycle, and build soil health, crop resilience and nutrient density” (“What is regenerati­ve agricultur­e,” February 16, 2017). Biology was my worst subject in school so I’m not good at explaining in my own words how this works, but basically plants draw climate- change causing carbon dioxide ( CO2) from the atmosphere to the soil to feed the plants. Furthermor­e, plant roots hold the soil, thus lessening erosion and improving the soil’s holding capacity for water. Using synthetic fertilizer­s on the soil destroys the natural balance of microbes in the soil and should be avoided. Of course, we would have to plant plants on vast tracts of lands and one may well wonder if there is really enough barren land to plant a sufficient quantity to reduce atmospheri­c CO2 and reverse the rising global temperatur­es. However, the point is that everyone can make a difference. Start making the planet fit for human life again, one plant at a time, like Kynes and his Arrakis Fremen.

The burning of fossil fuels remains the biggest culprit in climate change, accounting for about two- thirds of total greenhouse gases ( Jack Kittredge, August 14, 2015). We all contribute to these emissions by driving around in our cars or getting on an airplane. The manufactur­ing processes of many of the consumer goods that we buy are also highly polluting though we usually know little if anything about the production processes or their ecological footprints. China is reportedly the No. 1 producer of greenhouse gases— but practicall­y everything that we buy is made in China! China is producing and polluting for the world.

Obviously, pollution, both the type that causes climate change, and the many other types of pollution, affects us all, all the time. It is an “inconvenie­nt truth,” as former US Vice President Al Gore said it more than 10 years ago, but a truth neverthele­ss. There was a time when people concerned with the environmen­t were labeled as tree huggers or radicals. They were accused of being more concerned with birds and plants than with people and economic developmen­t. Pollution and ecological degradatio­n have reached unpreceden­ted proportion­s on a global scale since then, despite all the warnings, and we are killing ourselves in more than one way. It is reasonable to doubt that our individual small steps could really make any difference. Yet Planet Earth is our only home and if we – you and I – do nothing then obviously we cannot expect things to change for the better.

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