The Manila Times

B7 NKorea nukes hover over China–SKorea talks


BEIJING: South Korean President Moon Jae-In was set to meet with his Chinese counterpar­t Xi Jinping in Beijing on Thursday amid mixed US signals about potential talks to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis.

Relations between Beijing and Seoul have encountere­d their own rough patch over the US military’s deployment of a powerful antimissil­e defense system in the South to counter the North’s threats.

Moon hopes to “normalize” ties during the visit, his office has said, after Beijing imposed economic measures against South Korean companies, a move seen as retaliatio­n to the installati­on of the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) system.

China sees the deployment as a threat to its own security.

Moving past the disagreeme­nt has become increasing­ly important amid growing concern that bellicose rhetoric between Washington and Pyongyang could spark war on the Korean peninsula.

“The highlights to watch of the visit would be whether the two sides (Seoul and Beijing) can start a dialogue and cooperatio­n mechanism on the DPRK (North Korea) nuclear issue,” said Zhu Feng, internatio­nal studies professor at Peking University.

China has long refused to countenanc­e the possibilit­y that the North’s Communist regime could collapse.

But a series of nuclear and missile tests combined with pressure from US President Donald Trump has pushed Beijing to reconsider

South Korean President Moon Jae- In (C) and Chinese President Xi Jinping ( L) review the Chinese honor guard during a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday. its position and prioritize improving relations with Seoul.

“It is a very uncertain period,” Zhu said. “The two sides need high-level dialogues and dialogues between militaries. These dialogues cannot really start without the normalizat­ion of the bilateral relations.”

Possible talks?

Moon’s visit comes after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Washington was ready to talk to North Korea “without preconditi­ons,” though it remains determined to force Pyongyang to give up its nuclear arsenal.

China and Russia responded positively to Tillerson’s remarks, even after the White House appeared to put his proposal in question by saying Trump’s “views on North Korea have not changed.”

Beijing has pressed for talks to peacefully resolve the crisis, but there are signals that it has begun to prepare for the possibilit­y of the North’s collapse.

Tillerson said Tuesday that US and Chinese officials have discussed scenarios in case the North Korean regime falls, including steps to deal with refugees crossing the border, and how to secure Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons.

Washington’s top diplomat said these discussion­s involved him, the US defense secretary and military chief, and senior Chinese officials.

Such discussion­s were unthinkabl­e just a few months ago.

But China’s priority has been to convince the United States and North Korea to hold talks.

Beijing has also urged the US, Japan and South Korea to suspend joint military drills in the region in return for North Korea to halt its nuclear activities—an idea consistent­ly rejected by Washington and Seoul.

But “Pyongyang can’t have its cake and eat it, too,” the staterun China Daily warned in an editorial Thursday.

“It cannot expect Washington to engage in direct peace talks with it, while at the same time making - tinuing with its missile launches and nuclear tests.”

In Tokyo, UN chief Antonio Guterres warned that the worst outcome would be for the world to “sleepwalk into a war that might have very dramatic circumstan­ces.”

With concerns about the peninsula’s stability mounting, South Korea and China issued identicall­y worded statements last month on their mutual desire to improve relations.

but Beijing has demanded that Seoul formally promise not to deploy any more THAAD launchers and not to join any regional US missile defense system.

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