The Manila Times

Dogmas Duterte demolished in 2017

- BY RIGOBERTO TIGLAO Columnist TiglaoA5

THE year 2017 will be remembered as the year a mayor from Mindanao who surprising­ly became President demolished long-held national political and cultural dogmas and myths, whose persistenc­e has been a formidable obstacle to our growth as a nation—and yet he continued to be immensely popular.

First, Duterte demolished the dogma that a Philippine president and the Republic should consider the United States as its big white brother, that its national interests are our national interests. In our post-war history. Cory Aquino, her anointed, the West Point- trained Fidel Ramos, and her son Benigno III were totally subservien­t to the US, while the other two just paid lip service to the policy of undertakin­g an independen­t foreign policy.

In a period when the US maneuvered geopolitic­ally and pressured Asian countries to isolate China for its alleged aggressive­ness in the South China Sea, Duterte drew the country closer to the emerg- ing Asian superpower, not just diplomatic­ally but in terms of economic relationsh­ip.

He has managed to change Filipinos’ centuries-old antiChines­e bias, with the nation now looking at China as its main trade partner and the funder for its much- needed infrastruc­ture projects.

Part of the love- America dogma was that no president

would remain popular— and would become ripe for overthrow— if he crossed the US overlords. The reasoning was that— in sharp contrast to our neighbors— probably nearly all of middle- and upper-class Filipinos have relatives who migrated to the US (or its sister country, Canada). Most of the masses on the other hand still dream of migrating to that land of milk and honey.

Duterte broke that myth, with his popularity even surging to a record 69 percent of Filipinos ( based on the latest December from his 65 percent grade when he

Second, Duterte broke the dogma that was the Spanish colonizers’ main tool for occupying a country which allowed them to deploy only a minimal military force: That the Catholic Church was God’s representa­tive on earth, and rulers and the ruled must do what it says.

Until I shed the notion when I became a Marxist in my teens, I still believed a family myth my father told me, that our clan became impoverish­ed because a great-grandfathe­r told a local friar to his face, after the cleric got his laundrywom­an pregnant: “Putan-

Well, it wasn’t just a lowly provincial friar that Duterte cursed, even if it was in jest. It was the Pope himself, the very represen And unlike the reason why my great-grandfathe­r cursed the friar, Duterte cursed the beloved Pope during his visit that made Duterte

Because of that mortal sin against the Pope, the local Catholic Church has secretly labelled Duterte as the Anti- Christ and mobilized all but its archangels to rouse public opinion to overthrow him, using as its the “extrajudic­ial executions” issue in his war against drugs. Its two institutio­ns for brainwashi­ng our youth—the Ateneo de Manila and De La Salle universiti­es—became brimstone on Duterte.

Duterte obviously has survived the Church’s war vs Duterte. The Church’s field marshal for this war, Archbishop Socrates Villegas— who saw Duterte as the Marcos that he, the new Cardinal Sin, would topple—is drifting to political oblivion and has even lost his main post as president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippine­s. I can’t even remember the last press release of the moralistic churchgoer­s’ group, the pretentiou­sly-named National Transforma­tion Council. Its last page was an article last month lifted from some crappy website about Duterte telling NDF consultant­s to surrender.

Third, Duterte has shattered the dogma that no Philippine president would get elected to the post, and survive for long without—or resist the bribery of—the oligarchy. His two main rivals to the presidency were heavily bankrolled by national oligarchs, competing for which of their factions would get their puppet to win. Duterte had only Davao-level rich businessme­n

And his camp even exposed and prosecuted the illegality of the source of the wealth of a Davao billionair­e who supported him in the elections.

unpaid taxes of Mighty Corp., the country’s second biggest cigarette manufactur­er which had grown through all of the past percent” of the taxes collected— a realistic idea of the billions of reasons why this tobacco oligarch survived all of the past presidenci­es. Think in the same way about the P6 billion the Duterte administra­tion collected in unpaid navigation­al fees from Philippine Airlines, owned by once-powerful oligarch Lucio Tan.

Fourth, Duterte destroyed the dogma of the invincibil­ity of the

which had claimed to be the torchbeare­r of the spirit of the glorious People Power Revolution. No president Duterte went for the jugular: He pursued the illegal hold of the Prieto family over the MileLong property in the lucrative commercial district of Makati, kicking the clan out of the area last September, and is pursuing the collection of

(Unfortunat­ely though, the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s bureaucrat­s—or grafters—reportedly have ignored their boss, and are on the brink of reducing the tax liabilitie­s - a prepostero­us amount compared himself had publicly claimed it owed government since .)

Fifth, Duterte has destroyed the myth that the Yellow Cult has been God’s gift of governance to the Philippine­s. That shattered myth has remarkably persisted that even somebody whose job is to study governance in the country, one Richard Heydarian—who boasts in his biodata that he is a regular contributo­r to Centre for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations, and a dozen the cult’s leader Benigno Aquino 3rd to this day.

released late last year, Heydarian wrote: “Aquino was arguably the best president in recent memory… As popular as Aquino was at home he was even a bigger celebrity outside, especially to the global mediabusin­ess complex. Under his watch, the Philippine­s [transforme­d] from a developing country into a full

Heydarian is a sloppy scholar foreign editors who know little about the Philippine­s by quoting other scholarly works at the rate of one every two paragraphs. However, his gall in continuing to idolize Aquino indicates how persistent the Yellow myth is.

By simply ignoring the Aquinos, allowing what they detested most, which was to allow the dictator Marcos’ burial at the National Heroes Cemetery, and governing the Philippine­s in way that highlighte­d Aquino 3rd’s do-nothing, care-about-nothing rule, Duterte has started to bury this myth of the Yellow Cult that US State Department operators created in Yellow Cult’s excrements — such as the Mamapasano massacre, the Dengvaxia debacle, the hijacking of government funds — have to be aghast over.

This list of dogmas and myths that Duterte destroyed is certainly incomplete. But with his demoli - structed the Philippine­s’ growth as a nation, I have become optimistic about this land’s future.

 ??  ?? He destroyed the hold of these three on the nation.
He destroyed the hold of these three on the nation.
 ??  ??

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