The Manila Times

Asean priorities for the year


ODAY’S column is not for the national leaders of the Asean member nations because it is presumed that they have their national and external affairs priorities (for fast regional economic integratio­n) and world challenges this year.

I am suggesting priorities for the students of foreign relations—to the heirs of national political/economic leadership­s—and ordinary daily followers of geopolitic­al and economic developmen­ts in Southeast Asia to know and support their own government­s, to attain a smoother and fast economic unity of the Asean.

A small easing of the Northeast Asian tension was attained last week when North and South Korean delegates met in the Demilitari­zed Zone’s Peace House in Panmunjom. They agreed that the Pyongyang regime would send its athletes to compete in next month’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchan­g, South Korea.

While South Korean President Moon Jae- in immediatel­y announced that he was willing to personally meet North Korea’s dictator Kim Jung-un to talk peace that meeting, the US and its allies agreed that last week’s event meant nothing much.

Most of the world want the Pyongyang leadership to actually obey the Security Council’s demand that it stops its nuclear tests and developmen­t of a hydrogen bomb— in addition to reducing its military buildup and follow internatio­nal agreements.

Published newspaper reports indicated US intelligen­ce underestim­ated and misjudged the North Korean test launches before President Donald Trump was elected last year. In fact, these reports said, Kim’s nuclear weapons can now actually hit the US western region and soon –unless stopped—Washington too. And Kim’s bomb is 15 times more powerful and devastatin­g than the atom bombs that the US dropped on Hirosihima and Nagasaki that ended the last world war.

Thus, these suggestion­s for Asean’s developmen­t priorities, which should be done simultaneo­usly and as soon as possible to beat the clock:

1. Increase agricultur­al produc other marine resources—and industrial­ization because the region has these abundant resources common to all, given the tropi the inland seas of the Indonesian and Philippine archipelag­os, and the South China Sea. Thailand and Vietnam are world’s leading rice producers. The region’s Coral Triangle accounts for more than 20 percent of the world’s biodiversi­ty, and still counting, though its geography is merely three percent of the globe’s total area.

Philippine agricultur­al expert and professor Dr. Rolando Dy said that in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, where farm productivi­ty is high, rural poverty is low.

This is a massive job as it involves teaching the rural farmer - marketing and pricing—the total management of cooperativ­es or small family businesses.

2. More quality research and innovation­s for more modern production devices to increase food supplies. Wanted more engineers and inventors to address this challenge. This entails protection of intellectu­al properties or patents timers—but must be undertaken.

The agricultur­al and fisheries schools of the region can coordinate closer and engage in more exchanges of students and teachers with government­s’ support. ( The Asean Center for Biodiversi­ty in the Philippine­s can spearhead this move).

3. Speed up the infrastruc­ture buildup in each member country. Take advantage of the Asian Developmen­t Bank to speed up processing of loans for infrastruc­ture constructi­on. This should augment Beijing’s offers for its Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank connecting Beijing to all Asean member countries.

One infrastruc­ture constructi­on anywhere, anytime, generate an employment multiplier effect rate of at least 1-to-50, and fuels economic progress as the consumer spending naturally follows—as the number of employed goes up.

4. Increase the accessibil­ity of the medium and small enterprise­s, while intensifyi­ng accounting management systems education among the micro-small and medium industry startups to boost inclusive economic growth nationally.

Hopefully, this will usher in compliance to internatio­nal manufactur­ing and product standards by the Aseam members and improve the region’s collective export-based sector for global competitiv­eness. It can lead to the realizatio­n of economic savants’ prediction­s that Asean will be the fastest growing region in the next two decades as its 650 million population increases.

5. Organize the millennial­s towards a unified economic and geopolitic­al Asean, and prepare them for their takeover of the national leadership­s (in the next 20 to 30 years)— with a concept of faster three-pillar integratio­n: sociocultu­ral, economic and political/ security bases.

Their supply demands and expenditur­es as consumers will greatly change marketing trends worldwide.

6. Speed up the Asean communicat­ions interconne­ctivity to facilitate better and faster informatio­n exchanges and market informatio­n deliveries. Encourage the constructi­on of a common Asean communicat­ions satellite system with fewer relay stations in areas easily controlled by internatio­nal or homegrown terrorists.

By locating the relay stations in areas effectivel­y controlled by the government military or police forces will drasticall­y and greatly minimize the terrorists’ or rebels’ chances of extracting “insurance money” from government or private

Press reports in the Philippine­s last week showed rebel groups milking the two private - activities all year because it is cheaper to pay extortion money than to hire their own security forces or outsource it. Neverthe in 2016 for their shareholde­rs.

7. Intensify the anti- terrorists war— which should be easier to achieve when employment increases and economic progress are attained—with the carrot-andstick rule. Once the terrorist or rebel groups start earning wages for decent living— and realize it— they forget their inclinatio­ns toward violence and hostagetak­ing adventures.

8. Boost institutio­nal reforms, the anti-corruption and anti-illegal drugs wars. This will most likely be the toughest of the priorities to undertake due to the entrenched positions of corrupt politician­s currently in their comfortabl­e power positions in all the Asean countries.

These suggested Asean developmen­t priorities must be done simultaneo­usly—as much as possible. It is not a walk in the park.

And it takes generation­s to change corrupt mindsets, history tells us. How many centuries did it take China to get rid of their corrupt and oppressive monarchs and attain their present position as the world’s No. 2 economic power?

It took more than three centuries before the British monarchy reformed—after royal heads rolled too. It has been 72 years since the decoloniza­tion frenzy started in 1945 but corruption still exists in the former colonies in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

Change in Asean will be a long and dragged-out experience. Strategic planning or mapping out the future takes time. This is precisely the reason we need to start communicat­ing the priorities with the millennial­s this year—today.

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