The Manila Times

Filipinas and their 'skincare commitment' issues


“I believe it’s never too late to start a regimen now—starting at any age is good as it is integral to achieving healthy skin,” she explained.

Highly recommendi­ng both lines after volunteeri­ng to “road test” them herself, ingredient­s that make the products effective for users.

“In dermatolog­y we are always concerned with the active ingredient. What’s good about the anti-aging line of Happy Skin is that its main ingredient is chardonnay extract, a source of Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHAs.

“As we get older, our skin does not shed as effectivel­y and does not regener AHAs—natural fruit acids—help dissolve the bonds between the dead skin cells so they help your skin regenerate and exfoliate more naturally. This results in more supple and smoother skin,” Pasion elaborated.

The skin expert further said that AHA is also a known humectant, which means it helps skin absorb more water.

Meanwhile, Pasion highlighte­d the presence of Vitamin C in the Oil Control series as one of the most powerful anti-oxidants.

“This ingredient helps counteract damage and pigment production to give your skin a brighter effect. It’s also anti she enumerated.

“Another ingredient I want to highlight from the line is the Salisylic acid mild acne. There’s also the Centella Addressing the top two concerns of Filipinas, Happy Skin harnessed the beauty innovation of Japan for their anti-aging line and of Korea for their oil control series Asiatica Extract, an Indian herb that’s great for wound healing because of its

Placing her hope on the new products to motivate more Filipinas to adopt a - tologist rounded up her assessment with, “As they say, healthy skin is the greatest canvass to any makeup.”

For her part, Mananquil-Trillo reiter- ated Happy Skin’s promise to reward those who overcome their skincare commitment issues with real results.

“We’re all tired of having a drawer full of mistakes,” she laughed. “The biggest regimen that’s quick, easy, and visibly effective so she can actually commit to it. With this, we hope to empower women to achieve their greatest skin ever.”

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