The Manila Times

Overly opulent? Trump cabinet under fire for ethics excess


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump’s cabinet may be the wealthiest in modern US history, but several members have been embroiled in money- relat luxury dining sets and Wimbledon tickets -- all at taxpayer expense.

Speculatio­n mounted Friday over whether the axe would fall on any inner circle, as Trump hinted at making additional changes a day after sacking Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week.

Political attention might be turned to whether National Security Advisor HR McMaster will be the next ousted, but recent ethical misjudgeme­nts and questionab­le decisions made by several Trump advisors have put the cabinet under a cloud of controvers­y.

Accusation­s of high- flying excesses have swirled since Trump’s inaugurati­on 14 months ago. Last year the target was health secretary Tom Price, who reportedly spent more than $ 400,000 of public money on trips using private aircraft.

Trump, who has repeatedly pledged to drain the swamp in Washington, said in September he was “not happy” about the developmen­t. Price was ousted days later.

It turned out Price was the tip of the iceberg. Five other cabinet members are under scrutiny for their behavior.

“Trump cabinet officials have a track record of unnecessar­y, extravagan­t expenditur­es at taxpayer expense,” said Melanie Sloan of ethics watchdog American Oversight, which filed Freedom of Informatio­n Act ( FOIA) requests for documentat­ion that could expose government abuse.

“It seems it’s not only the president who has a penchant for luxury.”

The most recent flap involves Housing Secretary Ben Carson, who stands accused of spending $ 31,000 of taxpayer money on a new dining

Carson has insisted he was “as surprised as anyone” about the ordering of the set. But emails obtained by American Oversight show Carson and his wife helped select the furniture themselves.

Carson says he has cancelled the order.

Castle tours, military flights

Deep palace intrigue surrounds Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, whose tenure started out well but whose standing with the White House has eroded.

He is accused of spending $ 122,000 on a nine- day trip to Europe with his wife, which included sightseein­g at castles and taking in profession­al tennis matches.

“Secretary Shulkin improperly accepted Wimbledon tickets,” the VA’s inspector general said last month in a scathing report.

It also said Shulkin’s chief of staff doctored emails so the agency could justify including his wife on the trip.

Facing concerned lawmakers, Shulkin told a Senate budget hearing that “the distractio­n is something I deeply regret.”

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has come under some of the most intense scrutiny, most recently over reports that his department was spending nearly $ 139,000 to upgrade three sets of double

Zinke told Congress this week that he managed to negotiate the cost down to $ 75,000.

He is also under pressure over costly US Park Police helicopter return to Washington for a horseback ride with Vice President Mike non- commercial aircraft.

Environmen­tal Protection Agency administra­tor Scott Pruitt has faced a public backlash for taking dozens were necessary to avoid “unpreceden­ted” personal threats.

House Oversight Committee chairman Trey Gowdy, a Republican, has pressed Pruitt for answers about the travel excesses.

Pruitt told CBS News that he and his security detail were making adjustment­s, and that Pruitt would be More recently, Pruitt has found himself in hot water over his agency paying $ 43,000 to install a custom, he can communicat­e securely with At the request of Congress, the EPA’s inspector general is investigat­ing.

Meanwhile, Citizens for Responsibi­lity and Ethics in Washington has found that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, a former investment banker and Hollywood producer, has bilked tax payers by non- commercial jets for $ 1 million.

The Treasury Department re -terization­s and said it followed appropriat­e protocol.

The revelation followed negative scrutiny last August after Mnuchin and his wife, the actress Louise Linton, traveled aboard a government jet to visit the US Bullion Depository in Fort Knox, Kentucky.

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