The Manila Times

The story of my mother’s strength


ONE of my favorite memories with my mother involves a time when she came home from an event with her friend and she brought me home a lot of Tweety Bird hair clips.

As a child, I was obsessed with Tweety Bird and dreamt of decorating my room with everything Tweety. My mom, barely 40 years old at that time, came home from a bazaar with as many Tweety Bird items as she could afford. My little heart was overwhelme­d with joy.

This was during a season of my life when my projects so we could continue going to school.

clips instead of other important things but as an adult, those little moments mean so much more because I now have an understand­ing of being trying to win in the world.

My parents have always strived to do what they could. Our home, though imperfect, was always parents always made sure that we had food on the table and we never missed school.

My mom has been made tough by the situations life has brought her way. Though her stories are not mine to tell, I have learned the essence of being strong from a woman who had no choice but to become one.

At 25, she was left with a choice that would - portantly, safe. During that time, women were not yet applauded for choosing to leave an unsafe home and yet, with all the strength and courage in her ( instilled by her Lola Kulot), retreat to where was safe.

Today, women are given support for leaving abusive homes and partners but at that time, my mom chose a path that gave her life – liter- it wasn’t perfect, the most important thing is she survived and she won. Albeit with battle wounds and yet she has managed to conquer.

of who she is and the life God has blessed her with. It is through my mom’s courage that my brother and I have this life and though she may

Going through life’s storms has also made my would gladly give all she had to those in need.

Most of the time it is for entitled people and my brother mad, but she always reminds us that what we do unto others is what we do unto the Lord and that is the most important thing. People may not appreciate us, she says, but God always sees.

Today, my mom celebrates her 59th birthday with the love of her life, my dad. Together, they built a safe home for my brother and I and together, they told us that we can do anything that we set our minds to.

We did not have a lot growing up but they gave us all we had. Most importantl­y, they gave us love enough to get through anything the world throws our way. And though we may have had our difference­s, that love remains.

And so on her birthday, I celebrate her and all she has done. Happy birthday, Mama!

Truly nothing is as wonderful as a mother’s love.

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The author's parents on her mom's 59th birthday
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