The Manila Times



of words but more on their synonyms or derivative meanings, resulting in a confusing variance of opinions.


Some will say that there are two types of journalist­ic bias. One is the

- dents; the other is conservati­ve bias, given to editors. The trouble starts when owners try to control both to satisfy their thirst for ratings and revenue.

It does not end there. Viewers and readers themselves weigh the results and conclude that a particular article or news report is biased, without realizing they have their own biases on the issues at hand.

There is such a thing as bias in news reporting and it happens in various undetected ways. Assignment or desk editors are empowered to choose the stories to pursue, to the delight of their favored newsmaker or the discomfort of their targeted victim.

Another is the manner of writing the stories, which may deviate from the factual by editing out good sound bites and airing only the ugly and controvers­ial ones. Producers and editorsin-chief also wield enormous power as they decide which stories to air or print and which ones to junk. Broadcast producers may use time constraint­s to justify their wish to kill a story.

Placement is vital, too. Fair and balanced reporting is absent when editors or producers choose or handpick the stories and headlines that land on the front pages and bury the others in the inside section or the last segments of the newscast.

The selection of news stories to highlight may also alter perception­s. Daily doses of negative news that may destroy the image of an administra­tion are replaced with booms in markets, opening of new roads and hospitals or a good foreign agreement signed.

In the same manner,



just negative

the same way


given prominence.

An example is the case of the Israel-

more credible American broadsheet­s to portray the case very differentl­y. More often than not, they terrorism” and

rush? That’s always the case.

discarded the idea of adding Poe to its name after she lost. It is not true that Kris Aquino is in any way each other. Israel’s

outlet mulled changing refer to actions as


Politics is much like stereo music. Its genre is highly subjective where one man’s ribeye is another man’s poison and all that comes with it. Garbage- in- garbage- out principles

media. The mix of inferior sources, propagated by doubtful manufactur­ers of amplificat­ion eventually degrades the sound quality. A closer system examinatio­n is then required, which often results in dismay and frustratio­n of the choices made.


I don’t

- cation of an unquestion­able result rather than a quick one that ends up with lingering doubts and suspicions.


IKEA should pay customers for the assembly of its DIY (do-it-yourself) furnitures. It is unfair labor practice (asking customers to do the job the manufactur­er is supposed to do). Don’t you think?


its name to


If you are not allowed to drink late, why complain? Just drink early.


I do my sit-ups regularly. I usually stand up after sitting for so long.


I have to repost my rants against

- scribers are THE MOST marginaliz­ed have party- list representa­tions in

shortchang­ed for years by our very slow internet connection­s, compared with that of our neighbors in Asia, if not worldwide. Yet, we are charged higher rates.

- troducing a new service that would provide us 3G, 4G, LTE or even Fiber

they have yet to complete the infra to - tivity framework is yet incomplete? Periodic system maintenanc­e is

Isn’t it cruel to charge a subscriber for a service he did not use?

Isn’t it false advertisin­g to indicate or crow about untruthful speed, in their brochure and campaign ads?

Is system maintenanc­e really true or is it just congestion due to oversellin­g?

Is it lawful for the existing giant carriers to block participat­ion by other players just to continue monopolizi­ng the market?

Is it fair for a customer to languish for weeks having no connection, yet is quickly penalized with unpaid bills in just 24 hours?

to marketers or advertiser­s and we receive no apologies for that?

services given to third party contractor­s that are poorly trained?

by the telecom giants to keep it quiet?

You and I and millions of others are being exploited here not just by the minute but by the second, and yet the government is just watching us being massacred.


Quotes of the week:

what some people will not do. They conceive a certain theory, and every-

it aside. But it is always the facts that than a lie.”

— Thomas Aquinas


Good work, good deeds and good faith to all.

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