The Manila Times

Things to consider before selling online


ACCORDING to We Are Social’s Digital in 2018 study, 56 percent of internet users in the country visit an online retail store as product or service online. With increased mobile data penetratio­n, 25 percent of internet users have already bought something using their smartphone. Just goes to show that e-commerce is becoming a norm for consumers in the Philippine­s.

Pinoys may be inclined to purchase products online due to its convenienc­e. Businesses are taking notice.

According to the 2017 Gig Economy Survey conducted by GoDaddy, the world’s largest cloud platform dedicated to small, independen­t ventures, entreprene­urs mentioned e-commerce tools as one of the digital platforms they highly consider for their venture.

Even with readily available online tools, not all businesses may be ready for e- commerce. Here are four questions business owners can ask themselves before embracing the online marketplac­e.

Establish your brand online

For a business looking to add an e-commerce offering, it is helpful to already have a presence online. “A strong online presence adds credibilit­y to a business as it shares informatio­n people to consider a product. Think word of mouth ampli

by web searches. According to We Are Social, 54 percent of internet users search online for a product or service before buying—making a strong web-presence a must for any business.


The beauty of selling online is that it opens businesses to a wider customer base. However, that also means having enough product for people to purchase. Customers who shop on the internet do not like to be disappoint­ed when items they would like to purchase are out of stock.

A venture that wishes to offer e-commerce needs to accurately forecast inventory and have back-up suppliers, if necessary, to be able to deliver should demands increase. Otherwise, the risk of alienating customers is high if your supply cannot meet demand.

How will customers get your product?

How customers get their purchases is key to help keep them coming back to an e- commerce site. Meet- ups is often still the preferred method of most Filipino entreprene­urs which may well turn off potential buyers, especially if they live far from the pick- up point. Businesses need to have shipping options to make it easy for customers to receive what they bought online. Remember that it is often convenienc­e that drives people to make internet- based purchases.

Having the right online platform

Having an online store that easily integrates payment options, inventory, and informatio­n is crucial to business success. “An e-commerce site makes it easy for your customers to buy and learn more about your product. Convenienc­e is key, so the site needs to be mobile-friendly, as today that is often the way customers access the internet,” adds Chen.

From domain names to mobile-friendly websites to online store solutions, GoDaddy offers tools for businesses to build a strong online presence and get started with e-commerce. GoDaddy also has locally based customer care support available 24/7 to help along the way. Find out more business tools at

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