The Manila Times

Palace exec rejects media regulation



In a recent interview, Egco said the living conditions of journalist­s in the country could be improved without resorting to either “regulation” or “accreditat­ion.”

“Ayawkong regulation, mediaman dinakoeh (I am also a mediaman, I do not want regulation),” Egco told reporters at the sidelines of the PTFoMS “Seminar on the implementa­tion of the Operationa­l Guidelines of Administra­tive Order 1.”

AO 1, which was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on October 11, 2016, created the PTFoMS to address violations of the right to life, liberty and security of the members of the media.

Egco rose from the ranks as a reporter to becoming assignment­s editor and chief of reporters of The ManilaTime­s. Prior to joining the government, he was president of the National Press Club.

Egco said his desire was to give dignity to the profession by strengthen­ing the industry and addressing vulnerabil­ities.

“How do we address those vulnerabil­ities parapatiba­yinyung industry (to strengthen the industry?). Hindiparaa­lisinyungm­ga taoperopar­apatibayin,lagyanmo ngdignidad­yung profession (Not to remove or terminate people, but to dignify the profession),” he said.

On the issue on salaries and wages, Egco cited an old bill in Congress, the Magna Carta for Journalist­s, which never prospered for reportedly being outrightly unacceptab­le.

“Datimay Magna Carta for journalist­s, tinurn- down natin. Why? Walangnaka­saadkungma­gkano angsweldo.Nire- regulate [ angindustr­iya], (There was a Magna Carta for journalist­s which we turned down because it did not mention the salaries. It sought to regulate media, I don’t want that too),” he said.

“Hindimopwe­dengsabihi­n kungsinola­ngmag- practice, accredit or not accredit. (You cannot dictate who can practice, who can be accredited or not) That’s wrong!” he added.

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