The Manila Times

China-US ties sinking amid acrimony over trade, politics

- ChinaDaily AP

BEIJING: Both ignorant and malicious” was how the official newspaper recently described comments by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, offering a stinging insight into the current bitter tone of discourse between the countries.

The White House’s move to expand Washington’s dispute with Beijing beyond trade and technology and into accusation­s of political meddling has sunk relations between the world’s two largest economies to the lowest level since the Cold War.

A major speech by US Vice President Mike Pence on October 4 was the clearest, highest-level sign that US strategy was turning from engagement to confrontat­ion. Pence accused China of interferin­g in the midterm elections to undermine President Donald Trump’s tough trade policies against Beijing, warned other countries to be wary of Beijing’s “debt diplomacy” and denounced China’s actions in the South China Sea.

“What the Russians are doing pales in comparison to what China is doing across this country,” Pence told an audience at the Hudson Institute think tank in Washington.

Both sides are trading increasing­ly sharp accusation­s over human rights and global hegemony, exposing an ideologica­l divide that pits the two on a path of confrontat­ion with no clear resolution in sight.

Continuing push-and-pull

While a military clash has not been ruled out, American-based analysts envision a continuing push-and-pull for dominance between Trump and his Chinese counterpar­t, Xi Jinping, China’s most dominant — and repressive — leader since Mao Zedong. Xi’s aggressive foreign policy and authoritar­ian ways have altered views of China across the board.

“What has happened is a sea change in US perception­s of China,” said June Teufel Dreyer, an expert on Chinese politics who teaches political science at the University of

- vately say they’re concerned about the sharp deteriorat­ion in ties, especially given the massive links between the two in trade, immigratio­n and education, it appears Beijing is more than willing to go toe-to-toe under the new circumstan­ces.

Increasing­ly, the perception that as China grew more prosperous it would fall in line with global values and internatio­nal law has been exploded. Into that breach has come hardening US rhetoric toward Beijing and actions to counter, deter or defy China’s moves in the internatio­nal sector, particular­ly its “Belt and Road” trade and infrastruc­ture initiative that seeks to expand Beijing’s economic and political footprint from Cambodia to Cairo.

strategy, released last year, also labeled China a “revisionis­t power” alongside Russia.

Beijing’s outrage at Pompeo, meanwhile, was prompted by his recent warnings to Latin American countries about the dangers of accepting Chinese infrastruc­ture loans that are a key aspect of Xi’s signature foreign policy project.

“US-China relations have deteriorat­ed to their worst point” since the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests in Beijing that were crushed by the Chinese military, said Michael Kovrig, senior adviser for Northeast Asia at the Internatio­nal Crisis Group.

“It may not be a clash of civiliza-

of national, political and economic interest and systems that has reached a point of rupture,” Kovrig said.

Xi has abandoned the strategy laid out by reformist leader Deng Xiaoping that China should bide its time and refrain from advertisin­g its ambitions to become a world power. Instead, he has been accused of overreach by promoting China’s drive to become a global technology leader by 2025, including by compelling foreign companies to hand over their knowhow, and pushing Chinese- financed energy and transporta­tion projects that leave target countries with unsustaina­ble debt.

On the military front, a Chinese destroyer last month maneuvered perilously close to the USS Decatur in the South China Sea. The Chinese also denied a request for a US Navy ship to visit Hong Kong and rejects US concerns over its policies toward other countries.

“The US simply aims to drive a wedge between China and relevant countries with those remarks,” foreign ministry spokeswoma­n Hua Chunying said Monday. “It is meaningles­s and futile.”

The tart rhetoric is evident on both sides.

‘China lacks reciprocit­y’

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said in a speech last week that China’s government “is engaged in the persecutio­n of religious and ethnic minorities that is straight out of George Orwell,” referencin­g the internment of Muslims in the country’s northwest in political reeducatio­n camps.

This month, the United States went further by threatenin­g to pull out of the Universal Postal Union because it says the treaty allows China to ship packages to the US at discounted rates at the expense of American businesses.

Underlying the estrangeme­nt is the sense that Beijing lacks reciprocit­y, taking advantage of open markets and free societies to extend its interests,

companies, government­s and indi-

“My bottom line view is that Xi Jinping very much overplayed his hand taking advantage of the restrained and moderate (former President Barack) Obama,” said Robert Sutter, a China expert at George Washington University. “Now he has an enormous American series of challenges to deal with, with no easy solutions.”

While Chinese companies — often backed by easy credit from state banks — have been snapping up foreign assets, Beijing restricts such foreign purchases in key sectors such as energy, transport and telecommun­ications. Although China has loosened some joint-venture demands, including in the auto industry, that may be too little too late.

China is “not very willing to constrain itself under rules that it feels were forced upon it,” said Dean Cheng, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. “This includes the internatio­nal trading system, which is dominated by the US.”

Still, attempts to contain China along the lines laid out during the

impossible,” given the broad range of contacts across political, economic and personal spheres, Cheng said.

The US has also reinforced ties with Taiwan — claimed by China as its own territory — building an impressive new de facto embassy there, approving a major sale of military parts and services, and authorizin­g companies to help the self-governing island democracy build submarines to defend itself from China’s threats to use force to bring it under Beijing’s control.

The tensions are underscore­d by political uncertaint­ies in both countries. Trump faces a referendum of sorts on his policies in next month’s midterm elections, while Xi has come under rare criticism at home since he forced through a constituti­onal amendment in March to

Xi is also beset by a slowing economy, made worse by US tariffs that threaten the jobs of millions of Chinese workers. While China has retaliated with its own tariffs on US goods, the loss of American markets will likely be a major drag on growth.

All such factors appear to speak poorly for any immediate resolution to the frictions.

Michael Mazza, a foreign policy expert at the conservati­ve American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington, said “competitio­n will remain the norm” between the two countries unless China is willing to make significan­t changes in its domestic, economic and foreign policies.

“At this point, there is little reason to suspect that such a shift is

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