The Manila Times

Russia deploys long-range bombers in Venezuela


CARACAS: Two Russian long-range strategic bombers landed in Venezuela Monday (Tuesday in Manila) for what the government said were air force exercises aimed at strengthen­ing the defense of the leftist-ruled South American country.

General Vladimir Padrino, the Venezuelan defense minister, welcomed about 100 Russian pilots and other personnel after the two TU-160s and two other aircraft landed at the internatio­nal airport that serves Caracas.

Padrino said the deployment showed “we also are preparing to defend Venezuela to the last inch when necessary.”

“This we are going to do with our friends, because we have friends in the world who defend respectful balanced, relations,” he said.

The commander of the Russian Airforce’s long-range aircraft, General Sergei Ivanovich Kobulash, said the exercises would provide “a profound exchange of experience between pilots and technical staff” from both countries.

The developmen­t follows hot on the heels of a visit to Moscow last week by President Nicolas Maduro during which he had talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who expressed support for his beleaguere­d socialist government.

Maduro often accuses the United States of plotting against his government, which has overseen the plunge of a once-rich petro state into a severe economic crisis.

Besides the two bombers, the deployment included an An124 transport plane and an Il-62 passenger plane, according to a Russian military announceme­nt in Moscow.

Padrino noted that Russian aircraft had visited before in 2013, but said their current deployment was part of a “new experience.”

He said exercises would be held to “raise the level of interopera­bility of the aerospace defense systems” of both countries.

It was unclear how long the Russian deployment would last, and Padrino did not provide details about the exercises planned.

In recent years, Venezuela has purchased millions of dollars in military equipment from Russia, he said.

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