The Manila Times

NZ volcano still too dangerous


AUCKLAND: The smoulderin­g New Zealand volcano that killed at least six people is still too dangerous for emergency teams to recover bodies from, police said Wednesday, warning that many tourists who escaped the island were so badly burned they were not yet out of danger.

- day’s explosion on White Island climbed to six late Tuesday when another victim died in hospital.

The bodies of eight more people are believed to be on the island, but it is still too dangerous for the teams of rescuers to travel there and for forensic pathologis­ts, odontologi­sts and other victim identifica­tion experts to begin their work.

The Ministry of Health said 22 survivors still being treated in hospital burns units around the country remained in a critical condition.

When the volcano exploded it is believed to have sent superheate­d steam, ash and cannonball-like rocks hurtling from the caldera at supersonic speed.

Police Minister Stuart Nash said injuries to tourists and guides exploring at the time were so severe that some victims could not identify themselves.

“There are a number of people in hospital who cannot communot only to skin but internal organs,” he told Radio New Zealand.

“We’re working very closely with a number of agencies to ensure we

A total of 47 day-trippers and guides were on the island when the blast occurred, hailing from Australia, the United States, Britain, China, Germany, Malaysia and New Zealand.

Nash said the survivors were receiving world- class treatment but warned “there are still some very, very seriously injured people in hospital.”

“We wish them the best but we’re not out of the woods yet, of that there’s no doubt,” he said.

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