The Manila Times

A revealing Senate inquiry into the VFA and its possible terminatio­n


THURSDAY’s Senate hearing on the possible terminatio­n of the Philippine­s- United States Visiting Forces Agreement ( VFA) was a most revealing, enlighteni­ng and serious explicatio­n of an issue of grave national interest.

It was revealing, first, because it showed that the Senate of the 18th Congress is capable of conducting a serious public inquiry on a matter that is of greater consequenc­e than the proposal for a motorcycle taxi service in the nation’s public transporta­tion system.

This time the subject of inquiry is the threat of terminatio­n of the VFA, which has come about for two reasons: 1) the cancellati­on by the US Embassy in Manila of the US visa of Sen. Ronald dela Rosa; and 2) President Rodrigo Duterte’s public threat that the Philippine­s would seek the terminatio­n of the VFA if the US State Department does not restore within 30 days the US visa of the senator.

This time, the inquiry’s focus of interest was on the informatio­n and explanatio­ns of the executive branch officials who were called in as resource persons to the hearing.

This time, the usual antics and posturings of the senatorinq­uisitors did not get the spotlight. The senators were on their toes, knowing that the hearing would be monitored and analyzed.

The Senate inquiry turned on clearly important questions and issues:

1. Is the VFA of vital or equal importance to the Philippine­s and the US? If so, why?

The agreement is unquestion­ably important to both countries. It is a key part of the defense relations between our two counties. And it contribute­s significan­tly to the entire US defense and security strategy in the Asia- Pacific

2. How does the VFA figure in the defense alliance between the US and the Philippine­s? What will happen to our defense relations and Philippine security if the agreement is terminated?

The entire Philippine- US defense relationsh­ip would collapse because the VFA and the Enhanced Defense Cooperatio­n Agreement are key to the implementa­tion of the two countries’ Mutual Defense Treaty ( MDT) of 1951.

3. President Duterte set a deadline of 30 days for the restoratio­n of Senator dela Rosa’s visa. That deadline is on February

22. Has the Philippine government sent the US government a formal notice of terminatio­n?

On questionin­g, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. disclosed that he has already prepared the letter- notice of terminatio­n, but he has not sent it. It will only be sent on the expressed orders of Duterte.

4. What are the benefits conferred on the Philippine­s by the VFA? It is a key part of the military assistance that the US provides the Philippine­s. Since 1999, when the VFA was signed, the US has given $1.3 billion in military assistance to the Philippine­s.

Even more important is the fact that the VFA is part of the security umbrella that the US provides in the Asia- Pacific. Under the MDT, any attack on the Philippine­s and its vessels or military bases will trigger the automatic response of the US military. This defense alliance has for decades been a source of confidence and stability, not only for the Philippine­s, but also for its neighbors in East and Southeast Asia.

Under questionin­g, Secretary Locsin said what the Philippine government really seeks now, and should seek now, is a full bilateral review of the VFA. As things now stand, there are many issues and concerns that are ambiguous in the text of the VFA. A formal review will enable our two countries to put these questions to rest under provisions for a new time.

During the inquiry, some senators wanted to turn the hearing into a disquisiti­on on the state of preparedne­ss or unprepared­ness of the Philippine armed forces for military conflict. This sounds to us misguided and naïve.

The subject of Thursday’s inquiry was the VFA and its possible terminatio­n.

If the senators want to inquire into the defense and security of the Republic, they should set another inquiry, where they can orate at will.

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