The Manila Times

Bleeding edge technology HARVARD VERITAS


IT’s half an hour before midnight and I recite to myself the same prayer I start my day with:

”Dear Lord, I acknowledg­e your presence in the borrowed time on this earth, and I salute all those who have, in their own little or big way, intentiona­lly made the effort to help mankind. I stand on the shoulders of giants, from where I gather all the good deeds I learned from all of them, from where I piece all solutions to resolve small or big tasks I put myself to work on. Please help me focus and have the urgency to, at the very least, solve one task, if not all I can, in the 24 hours a day that I have. For I know not what lies the next day and if you will be generous enough to give me the chance to wake up tomorrow.”

I say this this on the 20th day of March 2020 as I feel that, in my own little way, I have solved or have started a worthy exercise — to help some people in need. In time it shall be known. It is a very tiny assistance in the race to help people rise from the coronaviru­s situation, which should be almost over.

I have learned, with the help of Paul Pajo, that what we have distribute­d to the public were from 100 percent from the digital world: 40 percent from Twitter; Viber, 20 percent; Instagram, 5 percent; cellular calls, 10 percent; and Googlle, 25 percent.

Any hardcore researcher who slaved over paper materials would automatica­lly slam my sources. Wait a minute, I am not done. I’m considerin­g online schooling in a few days’ time, too. To top it all off, I am about to finish my lectures on the Google classroom I have started. It shall be open to all for free so that ordinary people can have a better grasp of regulatory technology and government technology, in layman’s terms, and how it shall be an integral part of our lives. It will be full of tiny life stories, fun jokes and practical reasoning to ground the theories.

It will also be in the context of the Philippine­s. I will not skip the usual rigors of having its curriculum approved by the usual government regulatory bodies, whose approval is necessary so that the merits of taking it may lead to enhanced learning of one’s migration into the digital world.

With all I have done as I have mentioned, I believe that everyone should be able to embrace digital learning, no matter the person’s age or background. I am 53 years old and I’m loving the digital age. And so I give lectures for free, as I feel that the best things in life are free, and with this I want to make people feel that it is the best thing that ever happened in their lives. After all, when people have new experience­s, whether random or planned, people tend to feel grateful for the growth in knowledge.

So, how different is learning from a confined four-wall enclosure away from one’s abode to learning from a sofa at home? How different is having one professor in front of a class giving a lecture from an online lecture? To just drive a point, how different is saving money for classes in the comfort of your home from dedicating a large budget to buy school clothes, to gas up the car, to pay for public transport, or to cook or buy meals; braving the rain or the heat; and sometimes even getting sick?

There is a humongous financial, physical and emotional difference when you just stay home — a secure and virus-free environmen­t — and in the loving company of your family while learning. Now, even mothers cooking in their house dresses, fathers taking care of their children or overseas workers cleaning homes can do their own time and privacy.

They say technology is the bleeding edge of solutions, well, at the moment, technology saves the money and time of anyone who wants to concentrat­e on other things in life such as health and rejuvenati­on.

Technology — “used to aggregate hundreds of years of compiled informatio­n, getting it timely and effortless­ly, and being able to make sense and use of this” — is key to an objective and practical decision (whether big or small) and to proper time management. Last, but not the least, technology saves money (and can be used to earn money), therefore is the key to strengthen­ing the basic unit of a strong, healthy and able nation. it in

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