The Manila Times

CBCP opens online prayer requests


THE Catholic Church has resorted to high-tech means to reach out to its flocK and to allow the faithful to send in their prayer requests as Holy WeeK approaches.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippine­s (CBCP) created an online platform for Catholics to send in their prayer requests on the church’s official

news website, CBCP News.

Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, CBCP media director, said the Church has to turn to digital technology to be able to reach the Catholic faithful during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

“Amid the Covid-19 (coronaviru­s disease 2019) crisis, we are encouraged to make good use of the digital technology for our pastoral concerns and liturgical celebratio­ns,” Quitorio said.

To request for intentions, users may log on to the CBCP News website at and fill out the form located at the top of the website.

Quitorio said priests would say Mass online for those intentions that were sent.

The church has also released a partial list of online Masses offered via different dioceses throughout the country, as public Masses remain suspended because of the pandemic and the enhanced community quarantine period.

Meanwhile, the CBCP echoed the statement of Pope Francis that the coronaviru­s pandemic is not God’s judgment on humanity, but it is God’s call for people to determine what is important to them and resolve to act accordingl­y.

“It is not the time of your judgment, but of our judgment: a time to choose what matters and what passes away, a time to separate what is necessary from what is

not. It is a time to get our lives back on track about you, Lord, and to others,” the Holy Father said in a rain- drenched and empty St. Peter’s Square during his extraordin­ary UrbietOrbi (To the City [of Rome] and To the World) blessing.

The pontiff also prayed for all frontliner­s including doctors, nurses, law enforcers, religious people and other volunteers.

“Let us invite Jesus into the boats of our lives... Let us hand over our fears to him so that he can conquer them,” he said.

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