The Manila Times

Herd immunity and sun exposure


First of 2 parts

First word CONSIDER

two propositio­ns:

1. If herd immunity is theoretica­lly the solution that can fully sideline the threat of the coronaviru­s disease 2019 (Covid-19) to our society, why not plan to achieve it through strategic and practical action?

2. If no Covid-19 cases are coming out of Filipino barangay (villages), what is the reason why lowly barangay residents do not get infected?

I will publish here today two informativ­e pieces that could sharpen the effectiven­ess of our national strategy in fighting the coronaviru­s.

The first is from an article by a Canadian physician and professor of medicine, Dr. Matt Strauss, published in SpectatorU­SA on March 27, 2020: “Herd immunity might still be crucial in the fight against [the] coronaviru­s.” He advocates the strategic use of herd community to flatten the virus.

The second is from a letter sent to me by an American educator, Bob Wagner, who works and resides in the country. He contends that sun exposure may be the reason why no local Covid-19 cases are coming out of our barangay.

The authors have solid credential­s and they cogently argue their points.

Their ideas can enhance our weapon system against the virus far better than the dime-a-dozen suggestion­s of politician­s

Herd immunity to stop pandemic

I quote below major parts of the article of Matt Strauss, a physician and assistant professor of medicine in Canada, in Spectator:

“I am a critical care physician and assistant professor of medicine in Canada and have spent weeks obsessivel­y consuming Covid-19 medical literature. Ultimately, I see only one way to navigate society through this pandemic with neither apocalypti­c death rates nor economic devastatio­n. To my surprise, the conclusion I have reached seems very similar to the ‘back to work’ plan the Trump administra­tion has floated.

“Extreme measures to suppress Covid-19 through enforced social distancing are likely to be successful and seem to have already succeeded in Wuhan [in China]. However, as an Imperial College London paper published last week makes clear, these measures may only work as long as they remain in place.

“Once people begin to travel freely, engage in commerce and send their children to school again, the epidemic could pick back up right where it left off. Social distancing does not prevent a catastroph­e, it merely buys time while we prepare and pray for a game-changer.

“Some have suggested that using that delay to increase life support capacity (i.e. sourcing mechanical ventilator­s) in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) could help. Sadly, preliminar­y [and limited] data suggests that up to 90 percent of Covid-19 patients who go on life support will die. So, ‘ more ventilator­s’ does not seem like the game-changer we seek. As a life support specialist, myself, I am greatly chagrined to admit this.

“Some, such as [United States] President [Donald] Trump, hope that an old malaria drug called chloroquin­e will have a bigger impact. These hopes are currently based solely on anecdotal reports and clinical trials of this and other drugs are still ongoing. But it is worth noting that 11 years after the H1N1 influenza pandemic, there are still no antiviral therapies that have been conclusive­ly shown to save lives. This may be because of market forces, but it’s hard to believe we will succeed in finding drug therapies for Covid-19 in such a short space of time.

“Lastly, there is the possibilit­y of a vaccine being developed. The most optimistic hope is for a Covid-19 vaccine in 12 to 18 months. Let us grant, cautiously, that this is possible. Are we willing to suffer a year or more of social isolation, mass unemployme­nt and potential economic depression waiting for a vaccine to emerge?

Mortality profile of Covid-19

“I don’t think we will need to. I believe the unique mortality profile of Covid-19 could be exploited to achieve herd immunity in a controled and strategic manner.

“At the moment Covid-19’s case fatality rate seems to be dropping. As recently as two weeks ago, The

Lancet and the WHO (World Health Organizati­on) estimated the disease had a 2- to 3-percent mortality rate. But as widespread testing ramps up, we are finding many more cases of Covid-19 among people who do not even require hospital admission. Large countries that are performing the most Covid-19 tests per capita are seeing the lowest mortality rates.

“Germany currently has identified 31,554 active Covid-19 cases and has had 149 deaths. While in South Korea, around 120 of its 9,000

Covid-19 cases have so far ended in death, leading to a crude mortality rate of 1.3 percent. This downward trajectory of the Covid-19 mortality rate has caused the prominent scientist, Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, to speculate that it may end up being as low as 0.05 percent.

“The idea of ‘ herd immunity’ has been well- publicized in the past, thanks to the ongoing political controvers­y around the anti-vaccine movement in the United States. In the case of measles, a 95-percent vaccinatio­n rate of the population prevents outbreaks among the 5 percent who cannot be vaccinated because of their age or other medical problems. The measles virus could infect and kill those 5 percent who are unprotecte­d, but it never gets to them because the vaccinated members of the population form a firewall that prevents the disease spreading.

“The proportion of a population that has to be immune in order to confer herd immunity on the rest of the population is a function of how contagious the virus is. Data from Wuhan is still preliminar­y but, mercifully, Covid-19 does not appear to be as contagious as measles. Its ‘reproducti­on rate’ has been estimated to be as low as 2.2 (every one person who gets the disease gives it to 2.2 people), which means you would reach herd immunity when 40 to 60 percent of the population has been infected.

“If there was a way to safely grant two-thirds of a society Covid-19 immunity, the pandemic would stop.

Age-specific mortality profile

“Covid-19’s mortality profile is peculiarly age-specific. Bird flu, swine flu, SARS (severe acute respirator­y disease) and MERS ( Middle East respirator­y syndrome) outbreaks were all equal-opportunit­y killers. They showed no mercy to the young and healthy. This does not seem to be the case with Covid-19. The crude mortality data from China by age points us in this direction:

“People under 50 are 25 times less likely to die of Covid-19 than people over 80. Of the 0.2 percent of young people with Covid-19 who die of the disease, it’s believed that most had some other medical problem, had minor conditions such as mild asthma, high blood pressure, were obese or smoked.

“This peculiar mortality profile probably explains why Italy has had such a high case fatality rate. Italy is home to the world’s second most elderly population. These elderly citizens are famously close with their extended family and scholars have documented high rates of intergener­ational contact among them. No attempt to particular­ly sequester the Italian elderly was ever made.

“It’s been reported that the [United Kingdom] planned to pursue a public health strategy of herd immunity, but abandoned it after that same Imperial College report suggested it would lead to ICU bed shortages in the short term. However, the UK’s initial approach may not have taken this demographi­c vulnerabil­ity analysis into account. There was no real plan to completely sequester people over 50 or young asthmatics and smokers while the pandemic blew through the rest of society. The British prime minister has since ordered a nationwide lockdown of at least three weeks.

“I am glad that extreme social distancing has been enforced. I do not think that either the young or the old would have taken the pandemic seriously until they saw schools and offices close. But once these measures have proven their effect and the virus is demonstrab­ly suppressed, public health authoritie­s could consider ratcheting restrictio­ns down in a way that respects demographi­c vulnerabil­ity. Perhaps two weeks from now, healthy people under 40 could return to work, provided that they have no vulnerable people in their household. Perhaps a week after that, healthy people aged 40 to 50 could join them, and nurseries could reopen.

Sequesteri­ng the elderly

“I have discussed this strategy here as a matter of considerat­ion for ongoing public health conversati­ons. I absolutely do not raise it for personal decision-making. Whether or not you are convinced of this reasoning, you do not have license to disobey public health pronouncem­ents in your jurisdicti­on. But maybe, just maybe, once all the data is in and things are under control, this could be our collective way out of here.”

Dr. Strauss makes a great deal of sense. ( Tobeconclu­ded)

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