The Manila Times

Strange BUT TRUE

- By Lucie Winborne

• There is symbolism in Disney’s Cinderella mosaic. The company says that “guests can see that each of Cinderella’s stepsister­s appears with her own special facial tint. One sister displays a red tint to show that she is ‘red with rage,’ while the other sister displays a green tint to show that she is ‘green with envy,’ as they watch Cinderella try on the glass slipper to reveal a perfect fit.”

• Eating more candy in one sitting causes fewer cavities than spacing it out through the day.

• “The Hound of Heaven” poet Francis Thompson is listed as a Jack the Ripper suspect. Although there is no physical evidence to back up this bizarre claim, independen­t researcher­s say the imagery in Thompson’s poetry, plus his background as a medical student, are valid grounds for suspicion!

• Sorry, but that cream filling in Twinkies isn’t cream at all — it’s vegetable shortening.

• Due to heat expansion of its iron, the Eiffel Tower can “grow” by up to 6 inches in the summertime.

• Need one more reason to hate Mondays? Scientists have found that even if you maintain a steady weight, you’ll weigh the most on that day of the week.

• Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.

• High heels came into circulatio­n in roughly 10 B.C. They were worn by men of the Persian Cavalry not as a fashion statement, but to help their boots stay in their stirrups while riding horses.

• In the 18th century, King George I of England declared pigeon poop to be the property of the Crown because it could be used to make gunpowder.

*** Thought for the Day: “I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” — Kahlil Gibran

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