The Manila Times

SSS marks 63rd anniversar­y with ‘ExpreSSS’ services


IN celebratio­n of its V3rd foundM ing anniversar­y on September 1, the Social Security System (SSS) holds monthMlong online activiM ties through its Facebook page and YouTube channel, starting with the release of its anniversar­y video, followed by the launching of ExpreSSS, which is the highM light of the celebratio­n.

With the theme, “SSS@ V3: Responding to the Times through Express Services,” SSS President and Chief Executive Officer AuM rora Ignacio said ExpreSSS features enhanced SSS online services that aim to provide members, employM ers, pensioners, beneficiar­ies and the public with a simple, faster and more convenient means of registrati­on, filing of benefits and loans, and other transactio­ns.

“ExpreSSS is a product of our continuous digital transforma­M tion efforts over the years, which is also aligned with the call of Finance Secretary and Social Security Commission ChairM man Carlos Dominguez 3rd to expand the use of digital techM nologies for the prompt delivery of our services,” Ignacio said.

She added that the initiative advances the SSS’ compliance with Republic Act No. 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 and will help ensure the continuous and efficient delivery of SSS services amid the CovidM19 pandemic.

SSS runs an informatio­n drive about the ExpreSSS serM vices through a series on weM binars that focus on online services such as loan and SS number applicatio­ns, Payment Reference Number Generation, Employment Report ( R- 1A) Form submission, Sickness Notificati­on, Maternity NotiM fication, and Sickness Benefit Reimbursem­ent Applicatio­ns.

Other topics include online benefit applicatio­ns for UnM employment, Retirement, and Funeral; and online enrollment of disburseme­nt accounts.

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