The Manila Times

Paynamics provides easy e-payment for online sellers


FOR many businesses in the country, paper still rules. The maM jority of transactio­ns are paperM based, goods and services are paid with cash, and enterprise­s keep physical books.

However, community quarM antines and physical distancing arising from the CovidM19 panM demic are rapidly driving many businesses to digital platforms. For many businesses, especially the micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSMEs), this remains an unfamiliar territory.

Sensing the urgency for MSMEs to bounce back from the pandemM icMinduced economic recession, Paynamics recently launched Paynamics Biz, a secure eMmoney account facility that helps solve MSMEs’ major pain points.

Founded by Ronald Magleo, Paynamics Technologi­es Inc. has already been enabling financial services through various digital payment methods for 10 years.

Company president and chief executive officer Mylene ChuaMagleo said one way that PaynamM ics Biz can help MSMEs is simpliM fied payments and collection with its business wallet.

Flexibilit­y is another factor as Paynamics Biz offers two types of digital payment services — Pay via Link for merchants that sell through digital channels such as Facebook or Instagram; and AllinMOne QR Code for merchants with physical stores such as resM taurant owners, food stalls, courier services, taxi franchiser­s, charity organizati­ons, event organizers and accommodat­ions.

It will soon launch Pay By POS — debit or credit card payment and other methods such as mobile wallets using a wireless and porM table point of sale (POS) device.

As a licensed e-money issuer and a Certified Operator of PayM ments Systems, Paynamics is subM ject to the strict supervisio­n of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). It is also backed by the strength of its strategic partners Beenos Inc. and Expresspay Inc.

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