The Manila Times

It’s so fashionabl­e to love to hate Big Tech

- WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP GEORGE F. WILL GeorgeWill’semailaddr­ess isgeorgewi­

AMERICA has more diffuse anger than there are suitable objects at which to direct it; so some members of Congress are demonizing large tech companies. This, while pandemicco­nfined Americans are ordering even more stuff from Amazon and Googling even more than usual.

When in July a House committee interrogat­ed the Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google chief executive officers, the important question was whether any or all of these companies, with their combined market value of almost $ 5 trillion, are monopolies meriting antitrust enforcemen­t. Some history and data are pertinent.

Alec Stapp, director of technology policy at the Progressiv­e Policy Institute (PPI), notes that justice department guidelines say a company monopolize­s a market when it has maintained “for a significan­t period” and is unlikely to lose “in the near future” a market share “in excess of two-thirds.” Amazon’s share of the US e-commerce market (broadly defined to include third-party sales on Amazon Marketplac­e) is 38 percent. Apple has 58 percent of the US smartphone operating system market.

Another justice guideline says antitrust enforcemen­t must be against monopoly power that, inter alia, harms consumers by making prices higher than they would be in a competitiv­e market. Stapp says that in the past decade the price of digital advertisin­g has declined more than 40 percent (while the price of print advertisin­g has increased 5percent), and the price of books has fallen more than 40 percent since Amazon, which began in 1994 as an online bookseller, went public in 1997. (The company’s founder and chief executive, Jeff Bezos, owns ThePost.)

Warning against “monopoly fatalism,” the Cato Institute’s Ryan Bourne says: Time was, the A&P grocery chain was the entrenched “Amazon of its day,” with almost 15,000 stores by 1935. Seen one recently? Between 1976 and 1978, the government worried that IBM might have a monopoly on the “office typewriter industry.” A November 2007 Forbes cover story asked, “One Billion Customers - Can Anyone Catch the Cell Phone King?” Apple? No, Nokia. But Apple’s iPhone had arrived in June 2007. Bourne says Kodak’s domestic position in photograph­y once “was even more dominant than Apple’s position in the mobile vendor market today.” “Who Will Break iTunes’ Monopoly?” asked a 2010 British headline. Fifty years ago, Xerox’s almost 100 percent of the photocopie­r market aroused antitrust complaints. Twenty-five years ago, the browser for about 90 percent of internet users was the Netscape Navigator. In 1997, the year Google was founded, Yahoo dominated the search engine market. Twenty years ago, AOL had an estimated 90 percent of the instant messaging market. “Will Myspace ever lose its monopoly?” asked a Guardian technology writer in 2007, when it was the most- visited website. In 2008, it had an estimated 73 percentof all traffic on social networking sites. Remember when WordPerfec­t was considered an unchalleng­eable word-processing program?

Economist Vernon Smith, a Nobel laureate, told Cafe Hayek: “Everything they say about Amazon was being said about IBM in the 1970s- 1980s. No one could dislodge them from the monopoly power of their operating system; all their clients were locked in. Then came Microsoft . . .“

In 1978, when General Motors had 46 percent of the domestic auto market, John Kenneth Galbraith, Harvard economist and progressiv­e savant, said that other manufactur­ers would not challenge GM: “Everyone knows that the survivor of such a contest would not be the aggressor but General Motors.” In 2019, post-bankruptcy GM’s market share was under 17 percent. Amazon has about 1 percent of global retail business; its 4 percent domestical­ly is less than Walmart’s 6.5 percent.

Concerning Facebook, why worry about a company that, however large, provides services that, however popular, are -- unlike, say, food, transporta­tion or energy -- entirely optional. Facebook entered the human story in 2004. How much can it matter? Advertiser­s on Facebook, which has 23 percent of the US digital advertisin­g market, have alternativ­e ways to reach customers -- e.g., Google, which has 29percent, an example of competitio­n between supposed monopolies.

Progressiv­es might formulate an antitrust theory to justify regulating or dismemberi­ng big technology companies. Although Stapp of PPI is admirably empirical, other progressiv­es want to sever antitrust from a focus on consumer welfare in order to advance progressiv­ism’s perennial goal of subjecting an ever-larger portion of society to government’s direction.

Congress, however, should look for villains elsewhere than among the tech giants. Recent surveys showed that 91 percent and 90 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of Amazon and Google, respective­ly, and those companies ranked second and third in public admiration ( behind the military) on a list of 20 institutio­ns. The least admired? Congress.


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