The Manila Times

Trump sets hectic campaign pace


JANESVILLE, United States: President Donald Trump campaigned at a frenetic pace on Saturday (Sunday in Manila) in a threestate trip that started with a Michigan rally where he called opponent Joe Biden a “criminal” and pounded his claim that the Democrats are anti-American.

Addressing a rally in Muskegon, Michigan, Trump focused on United States culture war themes, telling a large cheering crowd that the Democrats wanted to “erase American history, purge American values and destroy the American way of life.”

And he ramped up his increasing­ly intense attempt to paint Biden as corrupt, pushing the same conspiracy theory that led to his impeachmen­t last year and a new, murky report in the NewYorkPos­t that purports to reveal evidence of corruption by Biden’s son Hunter.

“Joe Biden is a corrupt politician and the Biden family is a criminal enterprise,” Trump said to more cheers.

“He’s a criminal, he’s committed crimes,” he said. “He’s a national security risk.”

Trump — who was impeached for allegedly abusing his office in an attempt to find dirt on Biden, and later acquitted — had the campaign trail all to himself just 17 days before the election.

Frantic vs low key

He flew on to Wisconsin, a state in the bull’s eye of a resurgent US coronaviru­s spread, where he told jubilant supporters in Janesville: “I did this for us, not for me, believe me.”

Trump was ending the day in Las Vegas, Nevada, and will hold another rally in Carson City on Sunday.

“President Trump’s strategy is to work for the vote of the American people,” his spokeswoma­n Kayleigh McEnany said on Fox News.

“It’s why he’ll be in two states today, he’ll have two rallies tomorrow, two more in Arizona on Monday, and he’s going all in.”

Biden, who has run a strikingly low-key campaign yet leads in strings of polls, stayed home in Delaware with no public events. He was due to campaign in North Carolina on Sunday.

The Republican incumbent, who only got out of the hospital two weeks ago after falling ill with coronaviru­s disease 2019 ( Covid- 19), is planning to keep up the pace throughout the final stretch of the campaign, with almost daily rallies, in hope that his hardcore base will turn out in huge numbers.

The enthusiasm was evident on Saturday. The crowd shouted “we love you” and, with Trump’s encouragem­ent, chanted “lock her up” in reference to Michigan’s Democratic governor — the recent target of a right-wing kidnap plot.

Closing after 90 minutes, Trump remained on stage briefly to dance to the sounds of Village People’s “YMCA.”

Covid, what Covid?

Conspicuou­sly absent in his stump speech is any real discussion of the coronaviru­s, which has killed nearly 219,000 Americans, with more than eight million infected, and is spreading again at rates not seen for months.

Polls show that an overwhelmi­ng majority does not approve of Trump’s erratic handling of the pandemic. This has veered from the recordspee­d push for a vaccine to the president’s constant claims that the coronaviru­s poses little risk and his repeated downplayin­g of the need to wear masks.

Biden has made this record the center of his campaign, promising to bring what he terms more sober, less politicize­d leadership to the national crisis.

Biden issued a statement Saturday saying that “President Trump is knowingly downplayin­g the severity of the virus.”

“At virtually every turn, he has panicked and tried to wish it away, rather than doing the hard work to get it under control,” Biden said.

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