The Manila Times

Vaccine passports are controvers­ial but their technology will bring big benefits to developing countries


The United Nations (UN) is using the digital government technology behind vaccine passports to help developing countries provide essential services to their vulnerable population­s.

After a year of Zoom meetings and with vaccinatio­ns slowly rolling out, internatio­nal travel is making a comeback.

The demand is there even as the virus lingers. Many, especially from developing countries, need to get to work and send remittance­s home. Families need to catch up. Countries are getting ready to welcome back tourists. And business deals need to be struck.

For this reason, government­s are taking a close look at the digital vaccine passport, the postpandem­ic equivalent of the yellow fever certificat­e that could offer the possibilit­y of sidesteppi­ng costly reverse transcript­ion polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests and quarantine requiremen­ts.

The World Health Organizati­on has cautioned against moving too quickly, noting “there are still critical unknowns regarding the efficacy of vaccinatio­n in reducing transmissi­on.” Dividing society between haves and havenots also raises ethical concerns and fears of digital creep.

Despite this, the United States, European Union, United Kingdom and Israel, among others, have announced plans to study the feasibilit­y of vaccine passports that could be carried on a smartphone while the Internatio­nal Air Transport Associatio­n, the World Economic Forum and IBM have versions that are ready to roll out.

The idea behind making vaccine passports digital is both to prevent fraud, given reports of fake RT-PCR tests, and connect to existing online booking, check-in and immigratio­n systems.

On getting vaccinated you upload a digital vaccinatio­n certificat­e to your phone. At check-in or immigratio­n, you scan a QR code. Then, scan your face to authorize, and the phone shares your vaccinatio­n status and linked passport details using an encrypted system that also verifies the validity of the certificat­e against a register on what is called the blockchain.

However, all other personal informatio­n, including for facial recognitio­n, stays on your phone. This is different from mobile boarding passes, which are neither secure nor intended to be and from which anyone who catches a glimpse of the bar code can extract informatio­n.

The technology is not new. The UN’s trade agency, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmen­t (Unctad), is using a similar digital identity system to help the Iraqi government handle business licenses. Estonia operates it in many public agencies. And the UN’s pension fund has it to ensure that its retirees are still alive and can continue to be paid.

However, while Covid has helped change many habits and even with more basic technology, digital documents remain an exception in developing countries although, as we have seen, the benefits are significan­t.

For example, when

Benin moved its business registrati­on online as the pandemic hit in 2020 using Unctad’s e-registrati­ons smartphone platform, creation of small businesses, resulting in digital certificat­es of incorporat­ion, increased 43 percent on the year before. A third of new entreprene­urs were women with half under thirty.

In Lesotho, the One-Stop Business Facilitati­on Center went online and noted a sharp reduction in missing fee payments. Civil servants also spent less time carrying files between ministries and more time advising the public.

In Beijing, couples now use self-service kiosks to get married in five minutes although divorces still need to be done the old-fashioned way.

And El Salvador used an online system to administer Covid relief money. Over half of applicants were women. Indeed, online services help overcome cultural norms, security considerat­ions and family commitment­s that would otherwise discourage women from going to the capital city where government offices are most often located to spend days in long queues.

Online government services that deliver digital documents also provide an opportunit­y to simplify unnecessar­ily complicate­d procedures. As a result, Benin is now the fastest place in the world to start a business.

The use of digital documents can also allow licenses and permits to be delivered automatica­lly without human interventi­on such as in British Columbia (https://

The evidence shows that digital public services are popular. Yet, broader adoption remains stymied by a reluctance in many public administra­tions to move away from paper, fearful of whether technologi­es can be trusted or unsure of how to implement them.

Here’s where the digital vaccine passport comes in.

As vaccinatio­ns roll out and with immigratio­n authoritie­s talking of making the document mandatory, travelers will want their vaccinatio­n to be recognized digitally; their government­s will likely accede.

Once government­s cross this line, it isn’t hard to see the use of digital government documents and the simplifica­tion that comes with them becoming matter-of-fact across developing country public administra­tions whether for creating companies, paying taxes, buying land or accessing social security.

And with major players having been involved in the developmen­t of the vaccine passport, there will be plenty of computer code, lying around in places such as Github from which to borrow.

As demonstrat­ed in the few countries that have moved online, the biggest beneficiar­ies are those traditiona­lly left behind: women, young people and those living far from their capital city.

They are the ones who stand to gain even more as vaccine passports help make digital government more commonplac­e and acceptable across the developing world.

The author is an economist at the United Nations, working on digital government applicatio­ns.

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