The Manila Times

Restore our Earth so we can live


THERE is great hope and enthusiasm among the youth for the restoratio­n of the earth, celebratin­g Earth Day on April 22. They see the environmen­tal destructio­n in all aspects of our lives — the air we breathe, the forest destructio­n, the polluted oceans, the climate change that is upon us and the pandemic— all a result of human neglect, greed and power play for riches and dominance of the Earth. This young generation wants it to change and is doing much to bring it about by advocating political change to the Green Platform for a healthy planet.

They are planning thousands of mass actions and events around the globe to demand that we change our lifestyles, habits, ways of living and working. They are dedicated to changing the destructiv­e industry, corrupt political systems and bad environmen­tal conditions because of the changing climate that is harming them and the Earth.

We all must work to change our lives and restore our Earth because everyone should have an equal opportunit­y to survive and have a healthy life of dignity and equality. Those greater ideals are far away but we can restore the Earth in small ways in the place where we live. Like recycling plastic and waste products, never waste food, plant organic vegetables and plant trees.

The most vital and important need is to have a healthy, clean, pollution-free, smog-free atmosphere and clean air to breath. The air we breathe affects our lives, our blood, our brains and body and our ability for clear thinking. It is one of the most important environmen­tal goals we must reach for. Our health and that of the world’s children depend on it.

We humans are very unintellig­ent since we are poisoning ourselves. We are allowing national and multinatio­nal industry to make billions of profits by producing electricit­y from dirty dangerous oil and coal-fired power plants. The vicious politician­s and mighty moguls of industry tell us it is for our own good if we want our electric fans, airconditi­oners, heaters, lights and factories to run. How dull can we be, we with the big brains, if we allow this when there are clear sustainabl­e alternativ­es? The youth that are rallying this Earth Day know it and demand change.

The politician­s are generally corrupt and in cahoots and enjoy conspiraci­es with the tough tycoons of big business run by the oligarchs of industry. We have to have political action and vote for politician­s with green environmen­tal credential­s. To restore the Earth is not just to clean up the plastic waste and plant more trees, all great and important, but to change the politician­s who will then change the source of producing electricit­y on which the world runs.

This basic intelligen­t thinking, planning and positive action is all possible and it is part of the new wave sweeping the globe with the young generation. It means we and the tycoons have to confess environmen­tal sins, individual­ly, nationally and globally and repent and do penance by changing our bad environmen­tal habits.

We can and must change to good clean ways of living so as to undo the damage caused by the past generation­s and the present one. We must change and replace the destructiv­e energyprod­ucing ways to restore the Earth. The people must demand the politician­s and industry to convert more quickly to renewable sources of energy and phase out fossil fuels, oil, gas, coal and nuclear plants. We need to join the youth today in demanding these changes by their marches, activities and protests and positive actions this Earth Day, now on its 51st anniversar­y. The building of more wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal plants, wave and tide power and environmen­tally-safe hydropower is the goal.

Converting to electric-run vehicles sourced from renewable energy production is the way of the future. But less flying, more walking and cycling, and using trains are the best ways to travel to restore the Earth. The burning of oil and coal is the most dangerous of all. They produce the most carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, producing greenhouse gases causing climate change because of global warming and they are polluting the air we breathe. The Covid-19 pandemic stopped travel and restored a clean environmen­t to many cities, especially in China.

The coal industry is the worst of all for damaging the Earth. According to a report in N. Sönnichsen, Feb. 2, 2021, “China has the highest installed capacity of coal power plants in the world… with a capacity of 1,042.9 gigawatts…the United States…ranked second. China’s carbon dioxide emissions from coal combustion reached 7.2 billion metric tons in 2019 — roughly 70 percent of the country’s total emissions.

For a great nation to be truly great, admired, respected and emulated, China, with its success in greatly alleviatin­g poverty in 50 years and massive constructi­on and production capacity of consumer products, has to have moral values and respect for human rights and respect for the Earth and quickly phase out its oppressive, cruel policies of island-grabbing, human rights abuses and their coal plants. Then, China will lead the world.

The most devastatin­g result of a poisoned atmosphere from air pollution is felt everyday with millions suffering breathing problems and with these underlying weaknesses, millions are dying, even hundreds of babies in Brazil, from Covid-19. Make no mistake about it. This pandemic is upon us like a dark cloud because of our lack of care for the natural world and protection of the earth’s wildlife and habitat of animals and birds. The unleashing of the various vicious viruses in recent years brought devastatio­n and suffering and death to so many.

The positive planned action of youth worldwide on Earth Day to restore the Earth is inspiring. It begins with a global youth climate summit led by Earth Uprising, in collaborat­ion with My Future, My Voice, OneMillion­OfUs and hundreds of youth climate activists. We admire them. They are the hope for a clean, restored Earth.

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