The Manila Times

Biden cuts refugee admission quota


WASHINGTON, D. C.: President Joe Biden’s administra­tion announced on Friday (Saturday in Manila) he was scrapping his pledge for a rapid expansion in the number of refugees allowed into the United States but seemed to backtrack later in the day after fierce blowback from within his Democratic Party.

The outcry came after a senior administra­tion official said Biden would maintain the historical­ly low ceiling of 15,000 people resettled a year, a number set by predecesso­r Donald Trump who had imposed hardline border policies.

The Biden administra­tion had recently stated it wanted to allow in about 60,000 refugees annually, ramping up to double the following year. That aim had been part of the Democrat’s broader promise to end harsh anti-immigrant and anti-refugee sentiment whipped up by Trump.

Instead, the White House will keep the strict 15,000 limit so that it can “rebuild” a broken program and deal with pandemic-related complicati­ons, said the official, who asked not to be identified.

After a top Democrat and refugee aid groups slammed Biden’s target as “appallingl­y low” and “deeply disappoint­ing,” the White House issued a statement later Friday saying the number was provisiona­l.

Noting that Biden has green-lighted settlement of refugees from previously blocked regions and signed off on flights from those areas to begin within days, the White House said it expected Biden “to set a final, increased refugee cap for the remainder of this fiscal year by May 15,” but added that “his initial goal of 62,500 seems unlikely.”

The admissions system left by the Trump administra­tion was “even more decimated than we’d thought, requiring a major overhaul in order to build back toward the numbers to which we’ve committed,” the senior official said.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also said the refugee program needs rebuilding. “We will use all 15,000 slots... and work with Congress on increasing admissions and building back to the numbers to which we’ve committed,” he tweeted.

About 7,000 slots are reserved for refugees from Africa, 1,000 from East Asia, 1,500 from Europe and Central Asia, 3,000 from Latin America and the Caribbean, plus 1,500 from the Near East and South Asia. There is a reserve of 1,000 slots.

The policy marks a strong reversal from the Biden administra­tion’s vow to let in 62,500 refugees, with 125,000 next year.

“We offered safe havens for those fleeing violence or persecutio­n” in previous years, when America’s “moral leadership on refugee issues” encouraged other nations to open their doors as well, Biden said, promising to make good on his campaign promise of restoring US leadership.

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