The Manila Times

Shameless politiciza­tion of vaccine


of Sinovac that led to the delay in the delivery of other vaccines and the allegation­s of overpricin­g that emerged, which even merited a congressio­nal investigat­ion.

But both of these did not in any way deny us, taxpayers and citizens of this Republic, the right to be inoculated by any kind of vaccine of which we are now convinced is safe and would protect us from dying from Covid-19. After all, the vaccine is not the property of the President, and it is not an entitlemen­t to which only his supporters are supposed to benefit from. In fact, with the delays in the vaccine rollout, availing of Sinovac is the only choice available for most Filipinos despite our initial apprehensi­ons.

But more importantl­y, it should be impressed on these DDS who criticize our being vaccinated that in fact we are just complying with the government’s directives. It is simply hypocritic­al for the DDS to tell us “Sumunod na lang kayo” (Just obey) every time we complain and criticize the government. We were also told not to be choosy about the vaccines. And now that we are obeying the government’s call to be vaccinated, and to accept Sinovac despite our earlier misgivings, that we are now faulted and accused of being hypocrites.

And most important of all, these sycophanti­c DDS should be informed that those who were vaccinated, including even the

Duterte critics, are joining the call to help in controllin­g Covid-19 and are performing our civic duty to contribute to our attainment of herd immunity. And we are doing this by adhering to protocol, and submitting to the vaccine prioritiza­tion scheme adopted, where senior citizens and those with comorbidit­ies are vaccinated first after medical frontliner­s.

It should be emphasized. Everyone, regardless of political affiliatio­n, is entitled to be vaccinated, and the DDS should be ashamed for politicizi­ng the vaccinatio­n process, and by using it to demean and diminish a citizen’s right just because that person is a critic of the President.

Instead of devoting their attention to shaming those who dutifully oblige and follow the call of the Duterte government for us to be vaccinated, the DDS should instead focus their attention on convincing those among their ranks who are not willing to be vaccinated. After all, if indeed it is true that only 16 percent of Filipinos are willing to be vaccinated, and the DDS claim that we, Duterte’s critics, are only 10 percent of the population, then by mere mathematic­al inference, it is more likely that most of those who refuse to be vaccinated are from the DDS.

It is now our turn to tell them. Stop politicizi­ng the vaccine.

“Tumulong na lang kayo” (Just help). Get yourself vaccinated.

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