The Manila Times

Epson renews Environmen­tal Vision 2050


SEIKO Epson Corporatio­n (TSE: 6724, “Epson”) has renewed Environmen­tal Vision 2050, a statement of the company’s environmen­tal goals for 2050, to achieve sustainabi­lity and enrich communitie­s. Epson will become carbon negative and undergroun­d resource free by 2050.

Epson was founded in 1942 in Suwa, a city located in the rich natural environmen­t of Nagano, Japan. Harmonious co-existence with the communitie­s in which we operate has always been a cornerston­e of the company, and even as our operations have expanded globally, our culture of respect for the environmen­t has never wavered, and we have always maintained ambitious environmen­tal goals. Epson establishe­d Environmen­tal Vision 2050 in 2008 and revised it in 2018 to realign it with a changed operating environmen­t.

This latest revision was made as part of the Epson 25 Renewed corporate vision, which set “achieving sustainabi­lity and enriching communitie­s”as the company’s aspiration­al goal. Specifical­ly, we set goals that clearly show our commitment to tackling the major societal issues of decarboniz­ation and resource recycling, and we will proceed with concrete efforts to achieve them. Environmen­tal Vision 2050

Epson will become carbon negative and undergroun­d resource1 free by 2050 to achieve sustainabi­lity and enrich communitie­s.


2030: Reduce total emissions in line with the 1.5oC scenario

2050: Carbon negative and undergroun­d resource1 free Actions

Reduce the environmen­tal impacts of products and services and in supply chains

Achieve sustainabi­lity in a circular economy and advance the frontiers of industry through creative, open innovation

Contribute to internatio­nal environmen­tal initiative­s

The Epson 25 Renewed corporate vision, which was establishe­d on March 18, 2021, includes Environmen­tal Vision 2050.

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