The Manila Times

Observing Kashmir Solidarity Day


THE beginning of the year marks the observatio­n of Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5. It pays tribute to a solemn oath to the Kashmiri brethren’s in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) in their quest for attaining their Rights of Freedom and Self determinat­ion from the Indian occupied forces.

India to this date has resorted to the worst state terrorism and it continues its illegal hold on Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian troops and police personnel enjoy unbridled powers under draconian laws and have committed war crimes with impunity in the occupied territory to suppress the Kashmiris’ just struggle for securing their inalienabl­e right to self-determinat­ion.

The Indian forces have martyred 95,925 innocent Kashmiris including 7,215 in custody from January 1989 till December 10, 2021. It said that these killings rendered 22,939 women widowed and 107,855 children orphaned. The report said that the troops molested or disgraced 11,246 women and damaged 110,445 residentia­l houses and other structures.

The Indian atrocities in IIOJK witnessed an alarming upsurge on August 5, 2019, when India — after Prime Minister Modi regime — in an illegal, unilateral and unconstitu­tional move aimed at altering the internatio­nally recognized disputed status of IIOJK and changing the demographi­c structure of the occupied territory. This demographi­c apartheid in IIOJK by Indian Occupation Forces is a further violation of internatio­nal law wherein the Kashmiris majority is being turned into a minority in its own land.

These measures are a constant reminder to the world community of India’s State-terrorism — being perpetrate­d day in and day out against innocent Kashmiri men, women and children.

On February 5 every year, Pakistan again calls upon the internatio­nal community to hold India accountabl­e for all the crimes it has perpetrate­d against humanity. India must rescind its unilateral and illegal actions and stop implementi­ng the RSS-inspired “Hindutva” agenda in IIOK that is detrimenta­l to peace and security in the region. The key to durable peace in South Asia is the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolution­s and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The world must ensure that the Kashmiris get their long-due inherent right to self-determinat­ion and freedom.

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