The Manila Times

Singapore unseats HK as Asia’s top finance center


HONG KONG: Hong Kong has lost its crown as Asia’s premier finance center to Singapore in a global ranking list where New York and London maintained their No. 1 and No. 2 spots.

Singapore jumped three places to third in the twice-a-year Global Financial Centers Index (GFCI), which assesses 119 cities around the world and was published late Thursday.

Hong Kong has adhered to a version of China’s strict zeroCovid rules throughout the pandemic, battering the economy and deepening a brain drain as rival business hubs reopen.

The city still mandates three days of hotel quarantine for all internatio­nal arrivals while its border with the Chinese mainland is mostly closed.

In contrast, Singapore successful­ly shifted to endemicity earlier this year and has reopened without restrictio­ns.

The city-state is hosting a slew of financial and business conference­s in the coming months as well as a Formula 1 night race next week, while about 4 million people are expected to visit this year.

In a 600-word statement responding to the latest GFCI ranking, Hong Kong’s government focused on the city scoring a higher points rating than the year before.

“We will continue to listen to views and be bold in taking forward reforms to consolidat­e and strengthen Hong Kong’s capital market and our role as an INTERNATIO­NAL fiNANCIAL CENTER,” THE government said.

The statement did not mention the coronaviru­s or the ongoing pandemic controls.

San Francisco came in at No. 5 in the survey, up two spots. Shanghai, which was shut down earlier this year under China’s coronaviru­s controls, was No. 6 followed by Los Angeles, Beijing and Shenzhen.

Paris took 10th spot, replacing Tokyo which fell to 16th place.

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