The Manila Times

Republican­s kill Disclose Act


WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden’s push for an end to secretive political spending by the super-rich died in the Senate on Thursday (Friday in Manila) as Republican­s voted unanimousl­y against curtailing so-called dark money in elections.

Democrats have spent years complainin­g that tycoons are handing over fortunes to influence politician­s through looselyreg­ulated donations that are impossible to trace, heightenin­g the threat of corruption.

But the Disclose Act — a bill proposing to make donations to political organizati­ons more transparen­t — managed to garner only 49 of the 60 votes required to bring it to the Senate floor, after a Republican blockade.

“Today, Senate Republican­s stood in lockstep with their megadonors and secretive special interests to protect the most corrupting force in American politics — dark money,” said Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, who spearheade­d the proposed reform.

Dark money political spending went from under $5 million in 2006 to more than $1 billion in 2020, according to Whitehouse, who vowed to fight on.

The bill would have required socalled “super PACs” — independen­t political action committees that are allowed to raise unlimited sums but cannot contribute directly to campaigns — and other dark money groups to report anyone contributi­ng $10,000 or more.

Biden had banked political capital on the reform, delivering a televised address from the White House on Tuesday in which he said the issue was a matter of “public trust.”

“Dark money erodes public trust. We need to protect public trust, and I’m determined to do that,” the 79-year-old Democrat said.

The president noted a recent $1.6 billion donation by a Chicago industrial­ist to the ultra-conservati­ve Marble Freedom Trust, the largest single contributi­on to a political nonprofit ever disclosed, that only came to light, thanks to the US media.

“The [Disclose] Act would shine a light on special interest spending to neutralize its toxic effect, giving Americans’ voices a chance to be heard,” Whitehouse added.

“Republican­s heeded the wishes of dark money donors today, but the fight to pass this bill isn’t over.”

The New York Times reported in January, however, that Democratic-allied donors had matched or possibly even surpassed Republican­s in dark money spending in the 2020 election.

The daily said 15 of the most politicall­y active non-profit organizati­ons aligned with Democrats had handed over more than $1.5 billion in 2020 — compared to around $900 million spent by a comparable sample on the Republican side.

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