The Manila Times

Biotech vital for food security


THE Department of Agricultur­e (DA) said biotechnol­ogy breakthrou­ghs in agricultur­e are vital for the country to attain food security.

The DA Biotechnol­ogy Program Office (BPO) showcased various biotechnol­ogy studies, products and applicatio­ns during the 18th National Biotechnol­ogy Week celebratio­n in Pasay City.

Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual, who graced the opening ceremonies, stressed that capitalizi­ng on biotechnol­ogy will improve food production in the country.

“Effectivel­y harnessing biotechnol­ogy will increase our agricultur­al productivi­ty, allow us to achieve food security, and modernize our industry and services sectors,” Pascual said.

He cited the biotechnol­ogy’s breakthrou­gh products and technologi­es that have multifacet­ed and cross-cutting benefits including enhancing crop varieties, improving livestock production, producing biofertili­zers and biofuels, and allowing the creation or strengthen­ing of links in the global value chains, among others.

“Biotechnol­ogy can help solve the country’s food security issues affected by increased population and climate crisisaffe­cted agricultur­e,” Pascual added.

He further said that biotech companies and businesses can rely with the government in creating an enabling environmen­t for biotechnol­ogy- and innovation-driven activities, especially those related to food security, and research and developmen­t, to thrive and become globally competitiv­e.

“We at DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) regard modern biotechnol­ogy as a vital tool to achieve the primary agenda of this new administra­tion — economic recovery and transforma­tion,” Pascual said.

He said through Republic Act 11534, or the “Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprise­s Act,” biotech firms may avail of tax incentives and other benefits.

For his part, DA-BPO Director Claro Mingala said the Agricultur­e department supports various projects that will make the agricultur­e and fisheries sector more competitiv­e and ensure food security.

Mingala added that the DA-BPO encourages, and funds studies and projects that generate improved agri-fishery products and processes, among others.

“This year’s theme aims to foreground wealth generating opportunit­ies in biotechnol­ogy with its vast applicatio­ns in agricultur­e and fisheries, human health, industry and environmen­t,” Mingala said.

Last year, the DA inaugurate­d its Crop Biotechnol­ogy Center located at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, wherein high-yielding, early maturing, resilient, nutritious and cost-efficient crop varieties will be developed.

It also launched the “Golden Rice,” which is vitamin A-enriched and a product of biotechnol­ogy, for commercial propagatio­n, making the Philippine­s the first country in Southeast Asia to approve the planting of geneticall­y modified rice.

The DA offices, including the PhilRice, National Fisheries Research and Developmen­t Institute, Philippine Carabao Center and the Bureau of Agricultur­al Research, also showcased their techo-products during National Biotechnol­ogy Week.

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